What would improve multiplayer experience

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:11 pm

Now, people have confused feelings about this game. A lot of them are enraged, rightly so with so many bugs that game and forum has suffered making them think they bought a non-finished product. Some of them just focused on how fun the game was. But those arguements can continue forever without doing anything to improve the game. Thats the reason i am opening this thread. To share what i think of this game's multiplayer and give developers some ideas to make it more fun.

We all now how cheaters running rampart, top table is proof of that. That along with some other annoying bugs kills all the fun you take for the moment but they are all tecnical issues which has been recognized and being worked on. Thats all that can be done for the moment. We will see the counter crytek developed and report whether it fixed anything or not.

But there are other stuff that i found in this game that is unbalanced or just reduce the fun. I am gonna write them down and will try to explain why i felt they didnt fit in the game.

Now there is the nanosuit mode’s transition. I do understand getting into stealth should take time. It is a necessery nerf to an already very powerful invisibility mode(maybe too powerful=). But getting out of stealth requires some time. If you shoot in this time all of your energy will be reduced to zero as if you've fired under stealth. At the same time getting into armor takes some time as well. According to DenKirson site, uncloak penalty is 0.33 sec and armor's ramp up is 0.4. Which feels right from my experience. But these 2 transitions are not a good design as it encourages firing at your enemy as soon as you see him even if you are under stealth. This may not be the case in long range combat but as far as i've seen %70 of fights i was in, has been in close range.(im only counting the times that i could actually fire back) As shooting early will negate any advantage of waiting the phasing of armor mode as well as giving you the initiative making you score extra few bullets (also first shots are alot easier to aim, therefore headshots) and make it more likely to kill your enemy. Dont be mistaken in a fps that amount of time does matter. You do want to use armor mode in fights. Thats why it is there. To give you an advantage. And trust my word in everything being equal that is the case.

Think of this scenerio. You are traveling in stealth to protect yourself from people attacking from long distance vs. But so does your opponent and you see your opponent but you need to give a little pause for transition before attacking otherwise zero energy, no armor. And the numbers ive gave you is the game's data. You wont be perfectly hitting that it'll be more close to 0.4-0.5 sec. By that time your opponent already hit you with 2-3 bullets, that is more damage than what armor mode soaks for full hp. I thought these modes are designed for very specific thought in mind, so why starting the shooting in stealth mode is more beneficial then using armor in that situation? That makes no sense since armor is what you use in fights, stealth between fights.

There is also the nano vision problem. Im not sure if its meant to be this powerful. That is the fastest way to detect stealths, in naked eye you will not detect that fast and that seconds are difference between life and death. I’m using stealth enh+mobility enh so i can run around with stealth+nanowith ease but im spending half of the game in nano vision. I really dont like to play the game in red-blue stupid effect, its also very tiring to my eyes. I feel like it would be better if stealth was made more visible so i could actually enjoy graphics.

Now lets talk about suit modules. I think some of them cannot compete with other modules in same tree and some of them plain useless or badly designed. So i am gonna compare them with each other :

Power Mods:
Sidepack: Only thing it does is to give you a mag for each of your weapons per upgrade. one extra mag doesnt worth giving up a module slot in my opinion so this is rather weak module.
Point fire enhance, aim enhance: These 2 feel like they are a half of each other. It feels like they should be merged as increase of accuracy of your weapons. Instead point fire increase accuracy of hip fire, aim enhance increase accuracy of ironsight accuracy. And their upgrades are not that well. Point fire upgrades are basically there to fill the upgrade slots. You could have easily put description reduces the spread of all weapons instead of dividing it to primary/secondary/mounted guns.

This 3 mods are the only ones that i think needs some work. Others are well thought and provides diverse bonuses.
Stealth Mods:
Cloak Tracker: I find this extremely useless mod. We already have nano vision for detecting stealths. And it is less effective than that too. It never helped me catch a stealth guy. When i did, it was because i either detected him with naked eye or nano vision.

Jammer: Bad choise i think, some might like this mod but what it does it to actually warn your enemy that he is close to you. Think it as if you give your enemy free proximity alarm mod. It makes him hunt you down. (and you can still see red dots when jammed i believe, havent seen enough ppl use it to confirm)

Visor Enhance: This is kind of decent choise maybe but compared to benefits of stealth enhance, blind spot and covert ops, this feels weak.

Armor Mods:
Armor Enhance: This mod lets you roam around in armor mod without slow debuff. Its energy drain is pretty minor anyway. But there is an inherent flaw in that theory. If you roam around in armor mode you are easy kill by stealthers. They will always open on you first and often enough you will die before you could return fire. If you'r not gonna use it that way its gain is pretty minor. You also cant use slide at armor mode. A possible buff could be to increase damage reduction of armor mode from %35 to %40-42(a small but noticeable buff). It'd be more useful.

And Threat Tracer has a very limited use.(baiting snipers that is, seeing where someone is shooting you from when you havent seen him doesnt help your survivability. At that case just speed the hell out of there)

Its not alot but its still there, and i would expect something like a permenant speed bonus from power mods(after all its merged with speed mode from crysis 1) And some upgrade bonuses are quite useless or have very very limited uses.

Now, in my opinion each will improve the multiplayer experience if adressed. But these are not the only things that plagues the game. The biggest issue i felt is that this game has no feel of teamwork. Most of the time i feel when playing team instant action, we are just like headless chickens running around. Everyone is doing their own thing.(You will know what i mean if you’ve ever played Battlefield). That is the case in most of the game modes, only exception is maybe to a degree crash site. Since the objective unites the people on something common. And i do believe that problem lies in map design to some extent. I am not talking about visual quality here, its rather path designs. Most maps ive played as very open world that we can jump around run vs do all kinds of stuff. Now that freedom is good but it also creates a problem. Since there are hundred ways to get from A to B people you and your teammates often wont be moving together quite often. That does make me feel like i am playing with bots. There is also another problem with map designs as such they are so open you cannot shoot at your enemy without getting shot at from different guy. You will be visible from countless angles and you will be finished of by some random guy when you kill someone or the same guy will help killing you before you finish off your target.(this happens too often) That is not fun. That is horrible in fact. Dont tell me try to move with taking your back at cover. There is no such thing in these maps(i am not counting camping, and i believe everyone agree camping = svcks). You will always be visible to some parts of the map unless you always move inside the structures.

There is of couse the spawning system. I've experienced these many times. ive spawned right in the line of sight of enemy making him kill me before i could understand whats going on. This even happened when we start the map. Ive also been in the other end of it, seeing people spawning right in front of me and giving me free frag. Also i know at some maps game just have a fixed spawning area, that u need to run from your base, all the way to combat area just to start shooting. That long runs are really not fun and there usually a guy in between picking up on runners or a sniper that kills the people on the way. That forces you to march very carefully and slowly each time you spawn. That is not really fun either. While i do understand how hard it is to make good spawn system without making it predictable but it is a requirement that we wont be spawned on enemy's way/line of sight.

There are also some minor things that i’d like to add before ending my post.
1. Team instant action is way too short. It should be more like 100-125 tickets not 50. And Crash site needs more tickets as well(225-250 maybe). I feel like server just cuts in in my action.
2. Rifle’s ironsight is just bad. The circle thing blocks your view at some distances you dont see where the hell you are shooting.
3. Stealth kill animation is way too long for a game this fast paced. Standing still for 3-4 seconds will get you killed often enough(i dont think trying to kill someone in stealth shouldnt cost us our life)
4. Marshall is inferior to jackal. Its accuracy is way too low. On single mode jackal is still better than marshall, and suppressor option in marshal is just bad, i know i had to shoot like 5 times before killing a guy that was like 6 meters away. (he wasnt even in armor mode before the 4th shots). I need 2 max with jackal at that same range.
5. There is also a bug that destroys the pistols main use. When you are out of ammo on you primary gun, you immediately switch to your secondary gun and resume shooting. We are used to that and that makes pistols have some value by itself. That in this game is bugged, because when you try to switch to your pistol it tries to finish the loading animation without actually loading before switching to pistol. That needs fixing.
6. Shooting in stealth while using silencers reduces your energy to 0. Im not sure if its intended but wanted to report(weird since you use that alot in campaign)
7. I always thought specialization would make this very interesting, for example if you take stealth spec, you will be able to pick up 2 mods from stealth instead of 1. But in that case mods needs more balancing. But a fun idea i believe.

These are my thoughts, you may not agree but that is the point of arguement. By all means, share what you think of multiplayer, what you do enjoy and what you dont. (Provide why ofc). I really want this game to hold its own since its a refreshing change from CoD and Battlefield series but those 2 games are very well developed and have a very large audience. Even though Crysis 2 is a quality multiplayer game, it is based on new ideas and needs some work. I only hope devs do hear me and think about the ideas i've thrown out there. And i also hope they'll have the courage to drastically change things if things doesnt go as planned, rather then giving up on the game.(yes thats what i do fear) After all, all we want is a better more fun game.

Cheers, Fistan
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:05 pm

The mulitplayer gameplay is a real disappointment to me. The only viable gameplay experience in Crysis 2 is the Crash Site mode and even then it really isn't that good.

And in terms of teamwork and tactical gameplay, I feel that even Counter-Strike is better in those areas and that is an 11 year old game.

I guess I was just expecting something more innovative and actually fun. But it isn't here in Crysis 2.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:28 pm

I agree with some of your points.

What point are you trying to make about the nano-suit's transition? Is something wrong with the mechanics or should players just change their method of engagement? I think I'm just being stupid and not understanding.

I also hate using nano vision, but I think increasing the visibility of stealth would bring more problems and nano vision would be obsolete in multiplayer.

I agree sidepack is nearly useless. If I'm almost out of ammo, I would just pick up someone's gun. If you're almost out of ammo, I would expect someone to be dead. The guns on this game are already accurate, so I don't see any use in aim enhance. The only use I can think of is at extreme ranges, but people are usually cloaked. I think you should elaborate on the other power mods because some of us haven't unlocked/used the other mods.

I've only used the stealth enhance mod, so I can't really comment about the other stealth mods.

As for the armor mods, I would also like more explanation of the other mods.

I don't completely agree about the points you make about the map layouts. I don't think there is any fix for teamwork when playing with random pubs. I wouldn't want to just force everyone down some corridors just so it "feels" like there is teamwork. I could play CS with bots, play de_dust, and wow the bots have some teamwork... There are already enough corridor type FPS games out there. I personally don't like maps that force me to look down a narrow path. It makes enemy movement too predictable. I like how I have to constantly be aware of the countless angles. That's just my opinion though.

Yea, I completely agree with the spawning problem. I have also spawned behind an enemy at the beginning of a match.

I personally like the short matches because I can play a quick game without having to leave in the middle. I understand that the matches seem short if you have available time, so I think there should be an option to toggle match length.

I don't have any issues with the iron sight.

I agree that the stealth kill animation has problems. I have a question about the stealth killing. Does the stealth kill animation trigger if the enemy is moving? I've tried using it multiple times on a moving opponent while it shows the prompt to press the button, but I just melee instead.

I've never used either shotgun.

I feel like the switch to pistol is too slow. I always die right after I pull it out. I don't even get to fire.

I haven't used silencers yet, so I don't exactly know what you're talking about.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:35 am

To rOb0h0bO

There is a 0.33 second uncloak penalty when you switch off your cloak, if you fire in this time you will be reduced to 0 energy as if you've shot in stealth mode. That counts alot on 1v1 encounter where both opponents are stealthed. Currently, its better to start shooting as soon as you've seen your enemy instead of switching to armor(therefore wait for transition time).

I didnt want to add every single mod and compare them to each other, there are guides for that. What i wanted to do is to point out which ones feels weak or rather have limited uses. What we need is diverse and equally compelling choises, we cannot just say something is worthless because it doesnt fit the way we play but some are just weak or doesnt make sense.

For map concerns, that is an invisible issue because people just dont do teamwork out of their heart. It's been like that in every fps game i played. But games design the layout and the objective system that people would want to/and can work together. Crysis 2 layouts doesnt support that and when it comes to objective, only crash site provides that(assault doesnt feel right anyway). You can still control it to a degree that maps has a general path. In order to get from A to D you need to pass B and C, but you can pass from B to C or C to D with 20 different ways. That would at least cluster enough people in relatively close area so that could actually encourage teamwork. Thats just one idea comes to mind.

Well, it maybe your decision mate but you always have the option to leave in that scenario. I dont have the option to play longer. Games just end when i start having fun/enjoying the battle.

Yes you can stealth kill on the move, but its a bit harder. Problem is if he's on the move you'r also open target and you cant do anything but die if someone starts shooting (non-moving visible target = dead).

Pistol thing is a bug as ive said it tries to finish reload animation of primary gun.

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:19 pm

I very much thinks ripping off Team Fortress instead of Call Of dootys would have equaled big time better game.
Instread nows just really crap MP with typical MMO carrot on stick unlockes likes Call Of Dootys, which crap game.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:14 am

To me Crytek designed a game with 2 main flaws:

1. Stealth is incredibly powerful and results in every single player stealthing around trying to "get the jump" on the enemy. How can you have teamwork if people are popping in and out of stealth resulting in a "squad" either being picked off because one single person had to pop out to recharge or failing to surprise the enemy because of the same fact.

2. Open map design that makes everyone vulnerable thus forcing you to resort to stealth as often as possible, creating the problem described in #1.

In my opinion we need better counters to stealth other than nanovision or it needs to be nerfed somehow so that we actually see more teamwork and therefore more fun in team matches. I wish they had put certain areas in maps with pulsating emp charges like the ones the Ceph use in the campaign, or something like that. Right now there is no point in controlling an area of the map in most of the MP maps. Lighthouse being one of the biggest exceptions. Or maybe a mod that somehow glitches stealth of players in a radius around you and makes them use more energy or just slightly more visible.

On that note, if armor mode was more powerful, akin to the un-upgraded campaign version, you'd see less reliance on stealth and it would make for a more balanced game with certain squad members taking point in armor with others stealthed, picking off the baited enemies.

They made an MP mode borrowing heavily from CoD but forgot that their game has the nanosuit.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:34 pm

More kill streak powers, and removal of riot shields. Really I'm tired of people using riot shields. As if noob tubing was not enough.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:52 am

I think Air Stomp should be removed as a perk and be something everyone can use, but most importantly... The grenades... i've made a post concerning this. When you pull the pin off a grenade in real life, it's suppose explode whether you get killed or not before throwing it. On this game THAT doesn't happen and it pisses me off when there's no BOOM after i die. Armed grenades shouldn't disappear after you die. Once that pin is pulled, always expect a BOOM.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:42 am

The only thing that needs fixing is the terrible netcode.
And That is IT.

People biching about nerfs really just don't know how to balance how you play with the nanosuit and what weapons you choose to use for different maps/ranges/situations.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:57 pm

The only thing that needs fixing is the terrible netcode.
And That is IT.

People biching about nerfs really just don't know how to balance how you play with the nanosuit and what weapons you choose to use for different maps/ranges/situations.

Enlighten us please, vosse.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:13 pm

The only thing that needs fixing is the terrible netcode.
And That is IT.

People biching about nerfs really just don't know how to balance how you play with the nanosuit and what weapons you choose to use for different maps/ranges/situations.

Well just because you dont feel what is wrong doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Games are there to provide fun thus the term. And fun is balanced between 2 things: 1st is what you do in game is fun, 2nd(its obvious in mp) whether or not those things are balanced.

I created this for people to express what do they think is fun in game and what is not. With what could we fix them or should it be removed if so why and so on. Its there to throw ideas, express the experience, not rage or complain. So any post doesnt have some logic to support itself is not constructive.
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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:02 am

If they made other guns useful and made the cloaking burn up energy faster.

90% of my deaths are at the hands of cloaked people camping in corners with the default scar class.
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Alba Casas
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:58 am

Scar isnt the only effective weapon out there most of them are very competitive but they are situational. Scar is rather well-rounded weapon so it is more preferred weapon.

I'm afraid nerfing cloak energy wouldnt solve anything, it'd rather force people to use stealth enhance(as it will be necessity rather then a choise). And you will still see people that only travels in cloak mode, you dont just give up something that powerful. Any nerf that it can handle is to be more visible, (that would solve problems with nano vision too but its debatable how it should be approached). I dont know why but i rarely see any campers in this game(except when you try to hold crash site but that is needed), it happens alot less than any other game given you also have ultimate camo ability. just weird...
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