» Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:44 am
When I'm on multiplayer, my buddies HATE me for using the K-Volt because I have the rapid fire activated on it with the extended magazine, which brings it up to a reasonable amount of destructive potential. I get to the top of the scoreboard all the time but you have to play smartly with it. Like AVP said, use it for when you have the drop on people. With it's debilitating and disorienting hits, if you've got the jump on someone then they're as good as dead about 90% of the time. It's a good gun, you just have to play differently with it.
You're describing a scenario where ANY gun would give you the ideal outcome. The fact that this is the only scenario the K-volt stands out is embarrassing. Same goes for the rapid fire argument. Every gun shoots faster with it. If Rapid fire is devastating enough alone, then it should be a staple for all guns. It's a perk that compliments everything.
It needs to be changed somehow, tweaked maybe. Possibly lowering armor as well but dealing even less damage. Making you switch to a pistol and finishing them off after you've drained and exposed your opponent. In a firefight that they get the first few shots, you'll still probably die. But at least, in the firefights that it's even, you'll win 50/50 depending on skill.
I think a damage buff might be bland and not changed. I would definitely agree it would fix the gun, though. It is just too weak for a stand off firefight with the Scar, Grendel, Scarab, or the Feline.