Reporting Glitch and need-fix about mounted weapon (HMG)

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:07 pm

1. Detaching a mounted HMG through crouching position. ; So far your character will detach the HMG while stay in crouch and this will cause a strange camera/firstperson-view. Character should stand up first then detach.

2. I think Crytek could add a dodge-back-to-cover(crouch down) movement by press the crouch key while character is operating a mounted weapon. ; Also, If character enter a mounted weapon with crouch position then the position should be crouch as well while you leave.

3. A detached HMG icon in tactical vision is JACKAL ; Also, I think Crytek could add a new icon for grenade supply in singleplayer.

4. You can't change suit mode while using a mounted weapon on a vehicle.


ps* Actually, it's not END. Yet. There are dozen places need to be fix / need or can be improved.
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Luna Lovegood
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