Please play Crysis and Crysis Warhead b4 Posting

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:35 pm

I know i made quite a big thread a couple of days ago about Crysis 2 having massive plot holes... Anyhow...
I just finnished my 2nd run through Warhead and all the plot-holes in Crysis 1 just got multiplied...
For example: What happend to general Lee?
He was abducted soooo im expecting so alien-human nanosuit boosted boss speaking in english with a weird tone to it (not the korean accent) trying to presuade you as the main character to give up and die - whilst you clench your fists and say NO and then the massive fight begins... Now that i wanna see...

Also moar info on Crysis 1/Warhead aliens is needed especially from the captured one - i know constitution got sunk...

Also how about the "data tape" with Nomad asking Psycho wheather he disarmed the nuke or not...

Please i really like following the back story in games - there are just way too many things left unfinnished :(
sad face 4 ever
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:28 am

I havent played warhead yet, but seriously, don't you think that its a bit much to have them answer all questions in one game? The point of a story is to make you wonder what happened to certain characters or turn of events, and then give the answer later, captivating you. Imo crysis 1 and 2 does that brilliantly, the 2nd one a bit better imo. I want answers to some questions too, but I guess I will get those when I play the next game.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:41 pm

Just because they didn't answer what happeneg to Gen. Lee does not make it a plot hole.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:44 pm

General Lee was not captured... he was obliterated. Skip to 4:20 in the video. You see Lee standing in a beam of light (That I am assuming is suppose to be targeting for the ships weapons). AND if you keep watching at 4:27 You see a huge explosion underneath the ship where lee was standing. And then at 4:30 there is another massive blast where lee was standing (can anyone say overkill?).

Link if embedded video doesn't work:
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