I just finnished my 2nd run through Warhead and all the plot-holes in Crysis 1 just got multiplied...
For example: What happend to general Lee?
He was abducted soooo im expecting so alien-human nanosuit boosted boss speaking in english with a weird tone to it (not the korean accent) trying to presuade you as the main character to give up and die - whilst you clench your fists and say NO and then the massive fight begins... Now that i wanna see...
Also moar info on Crysis 1/Warhead aliens is needed especially from the captured one - i know constitution got sunk...
Also how about the "data tape" with Nomad asking Psycho wheather he disarmed the nuke or not...
Please i really like following the back story in games - there are just way too many things left unfinnished

sad face 4 ever