» Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:36 pm
Are you playing crysis 2 behind a router is your NAT open >?
Iyou can open next port :
TCP: 80, 18390, 18395, 13505
UDP: 18395, 10000
Make sure your operating system is NOT using 2 firewalls
what you system specification ?
Hope this will help you,
Good luck
Hey Tayare,
I'm not playing only Crysis 2 multiplayer on my PC, I play also Bad Company 2, COD4 etc. But I have this problem only in Crysis 2. And my system specifications are good, I've GTX 460 and i5 760.
I don't think opening some ports will solve this problem.
I have same problem but solved i was using 2 firewall my router and firewall my op system when i closed firewall on op / vista system and opend port problems with connection gone. ( but this will not work for everyone ) friends from Turkey contac Ea support iam sure they can help you in more profesional way.
Good luck,
I did think contacting with EA too, but I don't think it's from my firewall or port settings, I believe this problem's source is Crysis 2's itself.
Anyway, thanks for your effort again. I'll contact with EA too, soon.