lmao at this:
Our Crysis 2 Hack is getting super popular and we just released a new version today. Our Crysis 2 Hacks now include no recoil, meaning you can fire from the hip or aimed without the gun moving at all or the screen shaking. We also included no spread, meaning you can lock on with the aimbot without aiming the sniper rifle and kill someone on the other side of the map. Think that’s great? Try to Crysis 2 Hack with a pistol, take out the entire enemy team with pistol shots to the headOr at this

And while this is all quite funny I still think, top 50 in Kill statistics as well as anyone else who has K/D > 100 should have their MP keys permanently invalidated - no questions asked. Or Crytek should at least make a statement that from now on this is the course of action when someone will be caught cheating - at least when hardcoe cheating is totally obvious from stats. At the moment hardcoe cheating seems like totally risk free amusemant so cheaters will cheat when there is nothing to lose.
Looking at the ingame leaderboard is just ridiculous. People tampering with the game files violate the TOS. Ban them. Ban them quickly. No need to have big discussions about it as they are probably back with a new key soon after. Take action, Crytek.