» Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:09 am
Main problem with Crysis 2 (contrary to the general belief) is with its optimization level - it is extremely well done (this is not a sarcasm). Take my rig for example, it can run the game at very high settings @1680x1050 and provide above 30FPS most of the game, and all that on graphics card that is nearly 3 and a half years old (8800GTS 512)! I don't know for you, but this is something I would call a feat! This optimization comes with a price however, and that is maxed out GPU utilization. Maxed out GPU utilization results with higher power consumption and therefore higher heat dissipation from GPU and VRM section. If graphics card fails during high GPU usage, that is because it was faulty from the very begining or it was poorly designed, this is certainly not a developers falut. As far as I am concerned, Crytek did its job superbly well.
If you have adequate PSU to run GTX580 SLI setup (around 1200W) and proper case ventilation, you shouldn't be worried. Those card must chew through any game you throw at them and come out of it unharmed. If any of your cards fail, it is because they were faulty in some way and not because Crytek did its job well.
I have a 1200W PSU yes and proper ventilation. I gave it a go this afternoon and it was OK. Both GPUs were around 70-75 degrees (and 120FPS average, lol!)