It has been like 5 times today... [ROLLBACK BUG]

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:01 am

Okay, today I decided to play multiplayer. I started in early lvl 25, played a pair of maps, about 7k exp points gained and then, server kicks me and I got back to not having any exp points anymore. Okay, that pissed me off a bit, but I joined another one. The same happened, but this time I left myself the map. And that happened about 2 or 3 times now and that is REALLY FRUSTRATING. And yes, I play in ranked servers.
So please Crytek, this bug really needs to get repaired, it seems that if you dont leave correctly the game, every exp point you take goes to hell, and sometimes you lose them anyway, I mean, IT REALLY NEEDS TO GET REPAIRED.
It makes me want to quit this game forever.
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Charleigh Anderson
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