» Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:43 pm
seems like alot of others are saying its a memory problem... this guy espesially
I hope will help someone, it's 4 years since the last reply but hey, I've only had the problem now and discovered the solution.
I am running Windows 7 64 bit.
My Rig: i7 950 overclocked to 4.0Hz
6 Gb Ram
2 x Geforce GTX570 Graphics Cards.
Asus Rampage II Motherboard
I've played Crysis for years with no problems, and even lately on another Windows 7 P.C.
But on my current one I was getting a memory leak which would eventually crash the game when about 90% of memory was used up, building up gradually over approx' 5 to 10 minutes, very annoying
Anyway I trawled the net for weeks finding no definitive answer, but this is what worked for me.
Crysis on my machine did not like running on DX10.
So here is how to get it back to DX9, worked perfect for me after that.
Click on "Start" and then "Games", between "Music" and "Computer".
When "Games" is open you should see the icon for Crysis, just right click on it and there you will see "PlayDX9", "PlayDX10" as well as "Play" amonst others.
Just click "PlayDX9" That's it, worked for me hopeprevents a lot of head scratching for someone