Is PC FPS gaming really dying...?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:23 pm

So i'm assuming you would rather use the arrow keys rather than a stick for a racing game perhaps...or a flight sim...yeah, heaps of control...

Grow a brain... PC can use pretty much everything but a wiimote/kinect/move out of the box.... and even the last two are appearantly getting official drivers soon. PC = choice... you choose how you want to play. And choice is good.

Erm, whats your point? He said gamepads are for assuming he would never touch a gamepad because of this assertion, how does this relate to being able to use everything out of the box?

I never said anything about the limit of the PC's abilities, because they are limitless.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:28 pm

So i'm assuming you would rather use the arrow keys rather than a stick for a racing game perhaps...or a flight sim...yeah, heaps of control...

Grow a brain... PC can use pretty much everything but a wiimote/kinect/move out of the box.... and even the last two are appearantly getting official drivers soon. PC = choice... you choose how you want to play. And choice is good.

Erm, whats your point? He said gamepads are for assuming he would never touch a gamepad because of this assertion, how does this relate to being able to use everything out of the box?

I never said anything about the limit of the PC's abilities, because they are limitless.

....guess nothing... I saw what looked to me like it was rather general in it's target... and acted on that.

sorry to misread you, but to be fair, this is why quotes were invented.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:07 pm

Now before any flaming begins, I enjoy Crysis 2 very much.

However, I regret buying it for PC, as there is virtually nothing that sets it apart from a console release. Now I wont use the term "port", because its not. It was developed ON PC, but also developed to run on consoles.

I cant blame Crytek for their decision to cater more to their console audience, since that is where the money is. But the harsh reality has finally hit me that VG devs are bound to abandon the PC scene, for the simple reason that they want the money. We see it here with Crytek, it is somewhat seen with Valve (Gabe's change of heart toward PS3), and I dread what is to come.

There were two games that initally lured me into the PC gaming scene and inspired me to build my own PC: Crysis and Battlefield 2142. Those games were made specifically for PC, surpassing all of the limitations of console. However now that I see Crytek is following the golden carrot, the future is looking bleak. If this trend continues, the only thing that will set my PC apart from a console is a controller and about 1500$.

My last hope is that Battlefield 3 wont succumb to the console scene, as I thought the franchise had done with the release of Battlefield: Bad Company 1.

Phew. /rant

EDIT: Okay, allow me to rephrase "PC Gaming" in general to "PC FPS Gaming"

Try Brink, it's gonna be out soon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:50 pm

PC gaming isn't dying, but Crytek's certainly trying. They didn't even bother to release a decent PC game. Cevat himself said that the quality of the PC version was compromised for the sake of consoles.

Signs of consolitus:
- autoaim melee
- pathetically limited menu options
- tweaking locked
- controls of previous game dumbed down to the current game
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:44 pm

I am worried about the dx11 patch......but I will be bracing myself for maximum disappointment
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:59 am

It better not! I've been playing games on PC since the 90's on crappy PC's that would barely play older games. All that time i wanted a bad ass PC so i could play new games. now that I've grown up and figured out how to save money i finally built a nice rig so they better be coming out with some good games or i might just have to set the internet on fire!! lol

*classic quote* we dont need no water let the mother f***er burn!!!!!
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leigh stewart
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:03 pm

Everyone's forgetting about Red Orchestra 2. I can see you being wary of BF3, but RO2 is made for PC only by a company that only makes PC games. It's gonna be great.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:45 pm

Magicka is not an awesome game, at least not to my taste. However, it is definitely worth the 10$ or so, if not worth more than that in raw entertainment value. I'd like to see what they could come up with with a bigger budget/more people on their productions.
i agree, but my point was that their sales are so great (compared to budget) that they dont need consoles. And honestly, i cannot imagine to play this game on controller.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:34 pm

Why use 'little' companies as example? (CDProjekt/Arrowhead) While there are big companies which focuss are on PC, for example Blizzard Entertainment and Valve. And those companies actually listen to their community.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 am

Why use 'little' companies as example? (CDProjekt/Arrowhead) While there are big companies which focuss are on PC, for example Blizzard Entertainment and Valve. And those companies actually listen to their community.

Why not? Blizzard really hasn't impressed me. Valve is doing alright (still waiting on HL2E3 or HL3 whatever they will call it). However nothing of fun note has really come from them recently, except maybe portal but I havn't played it and it isn't really out yet anyways so. Also it proves a point that we don't have to rely on the "big" names for good fun gaming and innovative gameplay.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:08 am

Everyone's forgetting about Red Orchestra 2. I can see you being wary of BF3, but RO2 is made for PC only by a company that only makes PC games. It's gonna be great.

The only thing that scares me is that they used an Unreal-Engine to do it with. EPIC is notorious for being a console-focused company lately, and their engine shows it. Things like defaulting to vert- behavior when dealing with triple-screen aspect ratios making them unusable have me concerned.

Sure the Devs can change this , but it's crazy that this is the default behavior of an engine this day and age. Even Crytek, though they've taken some deserved heat for console-styled gameplay, has C2 properly scaling the FOV hor+ when the resolution gets wider.

I have faith that Ro2 will be a great game, but I hope they tweaked the crap out of the unreal engine to do it :)
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