Should Crytek add punkbuster?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:23 pm

You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.
Hacking should be the last they need to worry about. PB svcks in general anyway, It will ban anyone who has a packet loss of 5% which can be a lot of people... all they need to do is give admins tools to oversee their servers and that's all. They really need to fix everything else. I'm getting the sense that most people on this forum know very little about PC games and how they should work if hacking is the only thing on their minds.

[quote="warz0ne-lcd-"]You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.

LOl he is sooo funny... In mother Russia Hacks Cheat You!!!!!!!

Hey dude if you never seen a Hacker then you never played the game. Or you never seen a hacker cause you are blind as a Bat!! there on 80% of the servers.. Also if Punk Buster was implemented right now you would see 70% of the hacker scatter like cockroaches. if punk Buster is set up right it catches most hackers. And One more thing. If Punk Busters cathes a cheater/Hacker they are gone. Key is null/Void on any punk buster enabled server. So they would have to play on non ranked servers. Or go buy another key. And Vac Vac2 are a joke.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 am

You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.
Hacking should be the last they need to worry about. PB svcks in general anyway, It will ban anyone who has a packet loss of 5% which can be a lot of people... all they need to do is give admins tools to oversee their servers and that's all. They really need to fix everything else. I'm getting the sense that most people on this forum know very little about PC games and how they should work if hacking is the only thing on their minds.

You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.

LOl he is sooo funny... In mother Russia Hacks Cheat You!!!!!!!

Hey dude if you never seen a Hacker then you never played the game. Or you never seen a hacker cause you are blind as a Bat!! there on 80% of the servers.. Also if Punk Buster was implemented right now you would see 70% of the hacker scatter like cockroaches. if punk Buster is set up right it catches most hackers. And One more thing. If Punk Busters cathes a cheater/Hacker they are gone. Key is null/Void on any punk buster enabled server. So they would have to play on non ranked servers. Or go buy another key. And Vac Vac2 are a joke.

You just made up those numbers... If you have to make up numbers to argue you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. And I have been playing online FPS's long enough to be able to spot hackers, that's not hard at all, Even if i do find one, I would just leave the map and not whine and complain about standing in fire like a lot of these people here obviously do. Plus, EA would never have VAC in their game system. VAC is actually a very good anti-cheat system. People are just too stupid to realize that its made for the hl&hl2 source engines.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:37 am

There are so many hackers in this game.

Also, warz0ne has a point, PunkBuster bans for all the dumbest reasons (it's not just the 5% packet loss issue, it's other things like if your autoexec.cfg is off by a MICRO kilobyte, you could get banned)

Also, from a business finance standpoint, implementing PunkBuster means CryTek needs to pay HUGE sums of money on a periodic basis for the maintainance and use of PB. Anyone remember what happened to Rainbow Six Vegas 2? PB support was disabled after a year, and now 80% of servers simply won't work because everyone has a different version of PunkBuster. In effect, PunkBuster's effects during and after-use destroyed the game. Don't let the same thing happen to Crysis 2, it's a great game-- Wait, WHAT?
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 am

no no no no no no

punkbuster is TERRIBLE. Stupid piece of crap usually makes mistakes and kicks random people off servers and can be bypassed easily by hackers ( i mean seriously, my punkbuster games STILL continue to have hackers).

VAC would be nice but that'd mean we might need the game to be steam only.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:18 am

You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.
Hacking should be the last they need to worry about. PB svcks in general anyway, It will ban anyone who has a packet loss of 5% which can be a lot of people... all they need to do is give admins tools to oversee their servers and that's all. They really need to fix everything else. I'm getting the sense that most people on this forum know very little about PC games and how they should work if hacking is the only thing on their minds.

You guys really need to think about priority of fixes they need. I have never seen a hacker in C2 yet and Its not like they are hard to avoid.

LOl he is sooo funny... In mother Russia Hacks Cheat You!!!!!!!

Hey dude if you never seen a Hacker then you never played the game. Or you never seen a hacker cause you are blind as a Bat!! there on 80% of the servers.. Also if Punk Buster was implemented right now you would see 70% of the hacker scatter like cockroaches. if punk Buster is set up right it catches most hackers. And One more thing. If Punk Busters catches a cheater/Hacker they are gone. Key is null/Void on any punk buster enabled server. So they would have to play on non ranked servers. Or go buy another key. And Vac Vac2 are a joke.

You just made up those numbers... If you have to make up numbers to argue you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. And I have been playing online FPS's long enough to be able to spot hackers, that's not hard at all, Even if i do find one, I would just leave the map and not whine and complain about standing in fire like a lot of these people here obviously do. Plus, EA would never have VAC in their game system. VAC is actually a very good anti-cheat system. People are just too stupid to realize that its made for the hl&hl2 source engines.

Man you cant take that someone called you out!! I'm not going into who played how many years of FPS or anything else. I told you the truth deal with it! before punk buster was fixed in battlefield hacks ran rabid. After they got there butts in gear and updated the servers it banned a ton of them. and the ones that say they got improperly banned are hackers period. I have many clan members i mean many from Call of Duty UO to this game. and yes some where hackers. we do not allow hacker on our team. so after they got hit with a ban we investigate and find that everyone was just. i have never had many problems with your so called packet loss which in turn makes me think you need better Internet. or play on a server close to you. Internet is a funny thing to play games on. some have issues that they blame the game for and there Internet providers on. Please understand that i had most of if not all the problems that this game can hit you with. it is impossible to test on every scenario. thus why some have issues and a majority don't other then hackers that are on 80% and yes i will say it again 80% of the games i have played. if i play a game and i start off in a clean server then by the second 3rd round we get one. I can name at least 60 different ones that i have written down! but the rules of the community wont let me. Deal with it. also All i did to get my game to work properly was to "Plus I had to anyways" reinstall windows 7. never had a problem with disconnects or key code or any other problem runs silky smooth other then missing DX 11.

I have to run servers and yes Punk Busters give people problems. I have helped many get punk Busters to work Properly on there system and also on there servers. We have Battlefield servers Medal of Honor Servers. Battlefield 2 call of duty UO all the way up to World at War. and we have successfully used Punk busters. Yeah and Like over 5000 players didn't get improperly banned from vac on modern "welfare" 2
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