Oh S#!t, or please help me with my Crysis 2 experience

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:33 pm

I was going to write about how C2 is unplayable, but that is not true. The truth is it is not enjoyable, which is the function of a game. Single player is okay, but it lacks the enjoyment of the first game. I miss the sandbox approach. Crysis 2 feels like I'm playing on rails. Multiplayer, eh what can I say? I don't get it. I empty a clip of the Feline, or 2 shots from the Marshall into an enemy that is near point blank, and they just walk forward and melee me. Watching the kill cam, I see death shots where the aim isn't anywhere near on me. I don't see what I am missing. I have cable internet, a computer with a quad Core i7, ATI Radeon 5870, get around 40 frames with everything set to max. So what is the problem? It is no fun playing multiplayer that seems to function randomly. Anyone have any help or suggestions?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:08 pm

Yeah, the kill cams have always been BS, the way they're being recorded is faulty as heck. Also, I think the hit detection is a bit off, I've emptied clips into someone and they've either 2 shotted me or 1-hit melee'd me while I have full energy in armor and health (how is that possible? ... seriously)

Somehow, i tend to find less BS when I'm on a foreign server, LOL
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 am

Isn't it hilarious? Bullets can't stop them, but they hit you with the PLASTIC STOCK of their weapon, and you die.

I'm beginning to think Crytek is no longer a company that should be taken seriously.
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u gone see
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:58 pm

I don't care in the least about Dx11. Being "prettier" isn't going to do anything to help when there are connection bugs and huge multiplayer issues. C2 is a huge disappointment. It used to be the "low ping bastards" who were trouble. Now I see guys with the 500+ range ping dominating the games. I'm tired of where I'm seeing and shooting opponents on my computer NOT being where the really are, getting killed by shots that aren't even on me, and head shots being in the chest. Every game that has been co-developed on consoles loses what makes it good playing on PC's.

Rant done, I'm out.
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