When i was recording with fraps, in played movie i dont see artifacts
Cause i got strange problem in Crysis 2. Very rare ( maybe 2 times of 40 minutes ) i see a flicker lines\bars. Just randomly. FOr me typical artifacts. The most strange is that i dont get this on other places in game.
Only in second lvl ( "second chance" ) in one typical place , when i watching screen with precision i can see ,flashing lines\bars ,but very rare. Maybe 2 times or 1 time of 40 minutes. And i must watching screen without pause, intensive and with precision to see that. HELP ME !
Other apps just run fine without problems ----> ( Metro 2033, Crysis 1, 3dmark 11 , Shift 2 , Modern Warfare 2, Dragon Age 2 ). They all ok. Only this situation in Crysis 2. Help me. Is this something with game or my card?
drivers is 270 beta. But on 266.58 was the problem too.