Should I get Crysis 2?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:58 pm

I can only comment on MP because im not starting SP until the DX 11 patch but MP is growing on me............


ok I buy all game on premiere and wait 3-6 months to be patched and bug free.

PS2 players are lough
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:55 am

Put it this way, if a start up company had made this game every one would have been like "this is pretty good, I bet this company will go places in the future (barring the epic fail launch I guess)" But crytek made the game and thats why everyone is so disappointed. Its still a fun game and a good game (but like I said launch was a fail) its just no where near crytek or what people "thought" crytek standards should have been. This would be a really good game at a $40 price.
It's funny because once upon a time Crytek was one of those "Start up companies"
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Joe Bonney
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