» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:45 am
It is was done to spent less time an work, save more money, release game faster, and make a lot of cash from 3 platforms.
Thats why they released semi-finished game which looks almost the same on every platform.
Greediness is the reason!
Their idea was to get 3 times more money than Crysis 1 game them, and to spent 3 times less money them spent of Crysis 1.
But we are not stupid, so their expectation of lot of sales was ruined by their attempts to make game cheaper, sales failed on 3 platforms due of low quality of game.
While Crysis 1 for PC only, destite the piracy did over 1 million sales in 1 week, Crysis 2 failed to sale 1 millon for all 3 platforms togher.
So if fact - multiplatform do not mean more money, pc exclusive brough Crytek more money, because it was much better, they had more time to concentrate on single PC version, now they had less time for 3 platforms, and game became worse.
I hope Crytek learned lesson, will stop biching about PC piracy, will understand that even with piracy they can make more sales on PC only, if they will do Top quality game like Crysis 1 was. So i hope Crysis 3 or any other Crytek game would be PC exclusive again.
Just look at this if you dont believe that Crysis on PC only have better sales than Crysis 2 on 3 platforms