Hey can anyone help me? I keep getting kicked off from servers for no reason? I just got the game and i can barely play any server because i keep getting kicked or it says i am banned? How is that possible?
Its a bug. Very many players are affected by this and Crytek doesnt release fixes only patches.. so you have no chance but to wait and hope that crytek will fix this in their next Patch... otherwise the MP is dying faster than the programmers @ Crytek can spell the words: EPIC FAIL.
No, it just says i am "kicked from the server". Anyone else having this problem? I didn't cheat or hack or anything i just installed, join servers, and i get kicked...
As bigboulder says there's a problem that hopefully the devs will address soon. I haven't been on my server yet tonight but I noticed earlier that it was full. A couple of minutes later it was totally empty, so everyone must have been kicked simultaneously.