Game is stuck at "semper F or Die" point - level of game

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

Hi dear friends,
I need help!
Game is stuck at "semper F or Die" point - level of game,
I even bought new graphic card to avoid problems. It is Radeon HD 5770 1GB GDDR5.
Problem description: when I come to point – level of game "115 SEMPER F OR DIE" I can't go any further. It looks like two dimensions are colliding. I can move shoot and do what ever I want, but scene is wrong. Enemy fires weapons but you can’t see anyone, no aliens or anybody. It is point of a game when I should back up platoon to crush alien resistance. There is no exit from that place whatsoever, so I am very much stuck.
Everything was working perfectly up to that point. I also red your topics but couldn’t find anyone with this problem, so please help if anyone have solution.
I will try to attach “print-screen scene so you can recognize the point of game.

Many thanks,
File comment: Stuck Point
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trisha punch
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:15 pm

You have to kill 3 waves of aliens, the 3rd one is a devastator. Then you got a checkpoint. After that, there is an alien plane/bomber you have to kill. Then Chino is calling you. He is to the right of where you are on the picture you posted. I guess none of this is happen to you, but don't know. I noticed after the checkpoint, a few times the game didn't continue right away, but after 1 minute or so...

You may want to restart the mission from the replay menu, and see if it's OK, or all wrong again. Other thing...start a new campaign. Delete your current save games and start over. Or, you can do these things and re-install the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:01 am

I did reinstall game, didn’t solve the problem. I did replay the game “start new campaign”. I had a plane just once and I shot it down. One more thing, from very beginning of that level Chino is calling me: “come on…” all the time without stopping like broken record (in loop sound or something). It is very annoying. I bought game in a shop, which was my first installation. Second time I downloaded it and reinstalled it. I am really out of ideas this time. I even disabled antivirus program, no change.
Anyway, thanks for trying to help, rgeshev.
Help welcome Thanks!

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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:04 pm

This is a known bug. There's nothing you can do other than wait for a patch.

However you can still beat the level by jumping up the cliffs next to the crashed helicopter, walk a bit, and then enter a large pipe.
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jessica breen
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 pm

Hi Guys,

I did it. I fixed the problem. I uninstalled game, than erase all temporary folders content and installed it from a disc. Now I play game after I insert the disc I passed that point I’ve been stuck at, even there is still phantom fight around the scene, no fighters but a lot of fire. I shoot alien flying vehicle and when it crushed near helicopter it caused small landslide so I could climb to a higher ground and continue game.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help!

Cheers, guys!
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