My Gameplay Crytisisms

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:22 am

Here are my problems with the game as it is. I won't go into every irritating bug, glitch, and flaw in the game as it would take a year and noone will do **** to fix it.

My main frustration is armour mode. There is a reason why everyone uses stealth. For one, armour is inherently inferior. Armour can't protect you from the very idea of attack like Cloak, it can only stop a couple more bullets. Still, if it had enough effectiveness it would be a good ability. Unfortunately it was someones idea to make armour mode both 1: make sprint almost useless and 2: shine you up like a beacon. Armour's biggest weakness is how vulerable it makes you to attack, so why does it slow you down? And if that werent enough, instead of reducing your visibility it makes you a huge freaking flashlight to your enemies. So unless you are in really good cover it is asking to be killed.

Now, you are probably thinking 'Well, you should just use it in tandem with cloak, or not always have it on!', but this just doesnt work because of how CryTek designed it. First of all it takes very little energy but does piss all. For an ability that makes you a slow bright target this is the worst configuration. I dont want to walk around in armour mode for an hour, I want armour mode to help me win a fight when a fight happens. Otherwise it is just a lazy ability. Secondly, when you are playing the extremely effective 'Cloak 'n Run' style, i.e. run around cloaked, decloak and bag a kill, then recloak and escape, you use all of your energy quickly, and you try kill fast enough to not be shot back. Thirdly, armour ruins your ability to escape or dash for cover. Fourth, you can't armour up fast enough to deflect any bullets.

So Crytek, please fix armour mode in these ways:
- Increase energy consumption, and in turn increase how much added armour you receive.
- Make armour mode a little more low key in the visibility dept.
- Instead of armour making you slow as ****, have it not hinder your sprint, and also increase base speed. It is, after all, supposed to increase your bodily performance.
- Oh and, very importantly, REDUCE THE STUPID HUD EFFECT! Just turning on armour mode reduces you FOV and screen size by about 15%, making it even worse for fighting than no armour.

Onto rant 2:
Gun balance. In general all guns to too little damage, they all need a buff. I empty 40 bullets into an enemy and he is still standing. It should take 3 SCAR shots to kill. Low damage just makes sniper rifles and shotguns useless.
The GRENDEL is so underpowered it isnt funny. The biggest liabilities are its fire rate and its clip size. In a firefight between the GRENDEL, which is a heavy, european combat rifle, and the SCAR, the standard servicerifle, at no matter what range, the grendel loses because it has a much lower damage output on top of requiring inhuman accuracy to aim it fast enough. I'm fine with burst fire, but please, make it possible to fire again without a 1 second gap in your shooting. Also, make the clip size 28 or 30. 24 is far too few to get more than 1 lucky kill. And make automatic fire an attatchment.

The SCAR is good. Don't nerf that, just buff the other guns.

The FELINE is good, but I think it needs a small fire rate nerf.

The DSG-1 is majorly underpowered against armour. Increase its armour piercing ability. It takes 3 or 4 shots to kill an armoured enemy, in which time they can easily mow you down with an assault rifle. Also it needs a fire rate buff.

MARSHALL needs a damage nerf, anti-armour buff, and a better ROF. It is far too much of a '1 shot, you're dead or I'm dead' weapon. If you dont kill them in 1 shot you are finished. It's not a very fun weapon to play with.

MIKE needs a slight damage reduction.

SCARAB could do with either an accuracy, ROF, or clip size nerf. It is too powerful vs other guns in too many situations, a bit like a much more accurate FELINE.

K-VOLT is pretty much a joke. Compared to the feline it is like trying to get kills with a sharpened teaspoon. Give this gun a serious kick of damage increase.

AY69 needs a damage buff.
HAMMER needs a damage buff.
M12 NOVA needs a damage buff.
MAJESTIC is fine.
secondary weapons should be a slightly less effective backup, not a way to try get a lucky kill before you inevitable are outgunned.

MK60 is good, but too much recoil. On top of 1 hour reload times and the thing weighing a ton, it recoils wayyy too much.

HMG is too powerful. Reduce its rate of fire and damage, and make the guy holding it sit up a bit heigher.

That is it for guns.

The only other thing I should mention is that nanovision takes too much energy. It disadvantages you as much as benefits, so it should be more of an option than a e-drain.

I hope you agree with me on this.

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Sarah Edmunds
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:58 am

Oh, and a quick mention: When I play with cloak profiles, I usually get at least a 3 killstreak and sometimes a 5, and often I score highest with a KDR of >2. When I play armour style, I get a KDR of about <.5 and finish near the bottom of the list. I think this is pretty obvious proof that armour is UP. When everyone plays cloak, the game is very satisfying and skill oriented. Armour just ruins it in its current state.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:37 am

The reason armour mode is somewhat useless is because it only stops 35% of damage in multiplayer
K-Volt and X43 Mike need a damage boost (shame because I really like the Mike :P)
DSG-1 is certainly not UP, if it takes 3 or 4 shots then you must have missed some, it only takes 2
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 am

I agree armor is somewhat useless. Although when used right it a powerful tool; seen some good armor players.

Me, I am more of the hit and run type, I use cloak to get around without being shot at, but armor can really ruin my strategy when used correctly.

35% of damage is a lot, don't increase the amount of damage it stops....let the people in armor run around more freely, that's the reason I never use it
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

I would have to disagree on your views of the armour mode. I find that it is extremely useful in combat as its extra protection can mean life or death in game. I dont mind the reduced speed of the amour mode but I do agree on the armour flashing about while in use; It needs to be made more low key and not telling everyone where you are. I personally don't think the hud effect for armour mode is a hindrance at all and it looks cool. But thats my views.

On another note, about your views on the feline, in conjunction with a nerf on its rof, i think its should have more recoil. The grendel and scar are perfect the way they are. 'The GRENDEL is so underpowered it isnt funny' - not exactly, ive seen people use this gun with great effect.

MK-60 is fine the way it is. Its a light machine gun, its suppose to have the higher recoil.

The DSG is fine the way it is.

HMG is fine the way it is.

And lastly I completely agree on you views of the nano vision. It does take up to much energy. That definitely needs a fix.
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