But like many other games such as Homefront, Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 they have the option to play via lan as long as you are logged into the platform, Steam in this case. I am also the lan organiser in my town and would love to start running Crysis 2 competitions if we can lan this game.
Now i have had a look in the multiplayer section and i don't see anything so i take it that there is none at this stage. But my mates and i would like to know if we will get lan back like in the Crysis & Crysis: Wars because we buy all games original, well the ones we either play online or lan at least and i am more than happy to pay for games if we will get full use out of them.
Let me also apologise if this question has been posted already, i did search but wasn't able to find anything substantial so I thought I would post a topic.
Many thanks in advance!