whats the 64-bit rage about again?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:39 am

In Before people with bad computers defending crytek. Oops too late
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

8gb is for audio/video editing and 3d rendering.

I work with audio and the only time you need 64 bit is when using big sample libraries or working with huge projects with 32 bit float wav files and higher sample rates. One of the big industry standard apps Pro Tools is still 32 bit, as well as a lot of plugins.

As for gaming because of consoles everything is getting numbed down, 64 bit mainstream gaming probably wont come until the consoles utilize it also.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:02 pm

8gb is for audio/video editing and 3d rendering.

I work with audio and the only time you need 64 bit is when using big sample libraries or working with huge projects with 32 bit float wav files and higher sample rates. One of the big industry standard apps Pro Tools is still 32 bit, as well as a lot of plugins.

As for gaming because of consoles everything is getting numbed down, 64 bit mainstream gaming probably wont come until the consoles utilize it also.

yep that is true...

unfortunately PC has been slowed down by the weaker system - simply because of the sale figures...

this is a sad thing
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:46 am

x64 makes perfect sense... for Crysis 1. C1 you could make a custom map that just the terrain was several GB, let alone using the editor (i've seen 7gb used in editor). However, C2 is basically as hard to run as CoD, so it makes no sense to have x64.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 pm

x64 makes perfect sense... for Crysis 1. C1 you could make a custom map that just the terrain was several GB, let alone using the editor (i've seen 7gb used in editor). However, C2 is basically as hard to run as CoD, so it makes no sense to have x64.

lol i think cod takes more of my GPU than Crysis 2 does -_______________-
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:15 am

i have a ASUS Rampage III Black Edition ROG Motherboard and two 470GTX .8GB DDR3 2133MHz.. Intel Core i7 Extreme lol
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am

Lol a bunch of half truths and myths flying around.

64 bit wouldnt help C2 without huge efforts by the devs to incorporate it.Seeing as it would only be supported on the PC platform its not in their interest or any other devs interest to do it.In Crysis 1 it was more of an exercise to see what could be acheived.Moot point 64bit isnt commercially viable.

And as far as 4g ram vs more
Ive never played any game that has ever maxed out 4gigs.But if you have an i7 with Hyper threading and some triple channel DDR3 ram, of course your going to want to install 6gigs (otherwise its not triple channel an no hyper threading).Having more ram doesnt benefit gaming, it will just go unused.Watch your system resources while gaming, a pc with 16g of ram will have the same usage as 4g.A game like BC2 in dx11 only uses about 1.5g ram and about 600mb of video memory.Adding a few more gigs of ram doesnt magically make the game use more.If you install more than 4gig or 6gig for triple channel, its wasted on gaming.Even video editing/rendering would have to be pretty serious to require more than 4g.And your cpu would bottleneck more than around 16gb of ram before you benefit anyway.

If you were using unganged RAM you may wish to install more.Then each cpu core can have access a stick of ram at anytime.But if you know enough to use unganged memory then you know all of the above.

If you have Win7 open up task manager and go to the Performance tab and click Resource Monitor.Once open this window will show exactly how much memory a program uses.Along with the amount of threads, cpu usageand network TCP/UDP traffic.Open Crysis 2 play for a bit then see EXACTLY what is used.
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