Multiplayer Beefs

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

I have been playing the multiplayer for quite sometime now and I have some issues with some of the game mechanics. Some may or may not agree with me and thats fine.

1. Sprinting. Sprinting is not particularly fast and to make matter worse it drains your suit. What happens in the end is that your suit drains easily if you want to move from one location to the next relatively faster and by the time you reach your destination you are good as dead because all of your suit enhancements are mute because of sprinting. Now if the sprint was as fast of the Crysis, I don't think I would mind but to for the suit energy to be drained from normally running is rather useless and over penalizing. It is made worse for Crash Site where running to the site consumes all of your energy; unless you want to casually walk to crash site.

2. Melee. Melee is to weak. I should not need to hit a person three times inorder to kill them. The move is already risky and weak makes melee attacks generally impractical. The only time it is beneficial is when the enemy is "softened" from several bullet shots leaving a very very small window of opportunity or suicide.

3. Replays are inaccurate or folks are cheating. I have seen several replays where I am shot through walls, killed without the person aiming at me. Killed in one shot (not headshot) with full health. Killed by a two shots but the replay shows significantly more. I am not sure which one it maybe.

4. Cloaking. I have experience folks shooting and killing me while cloaked and immediately returning to cloak. I don't see how this is possible. Is this an upgrade or am I missing something.

5. Respawning. There a moments where I respawn in the most illogical places or in a location where can can be gun down in less than a second. The respawn feature should be a bit smarter, avoiding situations such as these.

Thats about it I guess. I am not sure if anyone has experience these issues or these issues are normal or fine with most players.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:15 am

1. Sprinting. Sprinting is not particularly fast and to make matter worse it drains your suit. What happens in the end is that your suit drains easily if you want to move from one location to the next relatively faster and by the time you reach your destination you are good as dead because all of your suit enhancements are mute because of sprinting. Now if the sprint was as fast of the Crysis, I don't think I would mind but to for the suit energy to be drained from normally running is rather useless and over penalizing. It is made worse for Crash Site where running to the site consumes all of your energy; unless you want to casually walk to crash site.

disagree with you on this point. imho, sprinting in this game is overpowered to the max. comparing with cod2 & cod4 (the only decent codgames on pc) where you had a specific time when you could sprint, and thereafter had to run at normal speed, the sprinting in c2 is crazy. if you find the suit energy is draining: use mobility enhance (the only decent powermodule apart from aim enhance tbh).

2. Melee. Melee is to weak. I should not need to hit a person three times inorder to kill them. The move is already risky and weak makes melee attacks generally impractical. The only time it is beneficial is when the enemy is "softened" from several bullet shots leaving a very very small window of opportunity or suicide.

kind of agree with you on this one. sometimes i find the melee to be very effective, killing people when you aren't even facing them. at other points, it's completely useless and makes you look like a fool. i guess this is more of an issue with the netcode than the actual melee itself.

3. Replays are inaccurate or folks are cheating. I have seen several replays where I am shot through walls, killed without the person aiming at me. Killed in one shot (not headshot) with full health. Killed by a two shots but the replay shows significantly more. I am not sure which one it maybe.

agree. i've come to the fact that most replays simply just shows the last several shots being fired, and not the whole encounter from start to end, which makes it look very weird when you see your opponent killing you with 1 shot in the arm or the likes of it.

4. Cloaking. I have experience folks shooting and killing me while cloaked and immediately returning to cloak. I don't see how this is possible. Is this an upgrade or am I missing something.

i do this all the time. simply de-spawn (default key E) when you're about to encounter somebody, kill him and then spawn back up again.

5. Respawning. There a moments where I respawn in the most illogical places or in a location where can can be gun down in less than a second. The respawn feature should be a bit smarter, avoiding situations such as these.

agree. the respawnsystem in c2 is weird as heck. doesn't matter as much in TIA where you mostly have the whole map being used, but definately noticable in e.g. in crash site, where most of the server is located on one specific spot.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:49 pm

1. That's what mobility enhance is for. Besides that, you have to think, don't just charge blindly into the fray with no energy left if that's such a big deal for you. Also, it is fast. Very fast compared to other cod clones, fast enough to actually dodge bullets.

2. With the current netcode, the melee is strong as an offensive tool, and weak as a defensive one. In other words, the guy that is running into somebody to melee him always has priority.

3. Faulty netcode, handles too much stuff client-side.

4. Either they disengage the cloak prior to shooting you, which doesn't make it drain energy, or they have energy transfer on and get a nice chunk of suit energy after they kill somebody, allowing to cloak again.

5. Everybody knows that the respawns are broken. Read the forums a bit more before posting.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:37 pm

disagree with you on this point. imho, sprinting in this game is overpowered to the max. comparing with cod2 & cod4 (the only decent codgames on pc) where you had a specific time when you could sprint, and thereafter had to run at normal speed, the sprinting in c2 is crazy. if you find the suit energy is draining: use mobility enhance (the only decent powermodule apart from aim enhance tbh).

I will give that a shot.

i do this all the time. simply de-spawn (default key E) when you're about to encounter somebody, kill him and then spawn back up again.

This can be another replay issue because in the replay the person shoots first then he decloaks and not decloak then shoot.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 am

1. That's what mobility enhance is for. Besides that, you have to think, don't just charge blindly into the fray with no energy left if that's such a big deal for you. Also, it is fast. Very fast compared to other cod clones, fast enough to actually dodge bullets.

I am not blindly charging into anything. Anyone who as played this game is fully aware that you can be attack at anytime from anywhere and it is not remotely as fast as the original. In addition to that its muted if shot. Also this not COD so I don't see why it should be compared to it or its clones.

4. Either they disengage the cloak prior to shooting you, which doesn't make it drain energy, or they have energy transfer on and get a nice chunk of suit energy after they kill somebody, allowing to cloak again.

The occasions I refering to where this happens, the person shots while cloaked which causes him to decloak and then he goes right back into cloak. From vo0c explaination of replay, it maybe inaccurate replay. Well I am hoping that is the case.

5. Everybody knows that the respawns are broken. Read the forums a bit more before posting.
I posting my beefs with MP I don't see why its a problem to restate the problem with respawning.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:13 pm

just my few cents to the cloaking issue:

take a look at the improved stealth perk, there's a graph showing the faster cloaking and decloaking time, it also could be just lag or
the energy drain perk (dont know the name right now)
shooting you will give him back his energy, allowing immediate restealth

btw melee is good as it is in my opinion. have had a match where one guy was running around punching ppl and he was really successfull (killed me about 5 times and only 2 times i was able to stop him right in front of my face).
fast runners in stealth are quite hard to kill if you dont use your nanovision properly.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:39 am

i do this all the time. simply de-spawn (default key E) when you're about to encounter somebody, kill him and then spawn back up again.

****. If you decloak manually and shot immediately it still drains your complete energy. The **** he encounters is caused by the Energy Transfer. After you kill someone with that kit you get 50% (75% with first and 100% with last upgrade) energy back.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:54 am

With Stealth Enhance its pretty easy to leave Cloak, drop somebody and recloak all within a 1.5 second time frame. Thats exactly what the first Stealth Enhance bonus is intended for.. increasing the speed at which you can decloak, kill and recloak.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:58 am

****. If you decloak manually and shot immediately it still drains your complete energy. The **** he encounters is caused by the Energy Transfer. After you kill someone with that kit you get 50% (75% with first and 100% with last upgrade) energy back.

Well that makes sense. Thanks for the info. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:30 am

The cloak uncloak etc.. Is explained by energy transfer perk, I love this perk as I always seem to get jumped after killing 1 or 2 enemies. That and cloaking is so slow without advanced cloak, that I always break the suit energy.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:08 am

Melee is NOT underpowered
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:50 am

on the stealth one, that is legit- I use it liberally when I bust out the DSG1, especially with cloak enhance, but it isn't required.

Just decloak the instant before you shoot, and then re-cloak immediately after you are done shooting...Can be a true nightmare of a sniping technique...especially with my class:

DSG1+silencer+sniper scope+extended mags

Energy Drain*
Stealth Enhance**

*Proxy alarm sounds good, but Cloak tracker can do that job for you, since most people sneaking up on you will cloak...Threat tracer is also good if the other team has a sniper too, and can give advanced warning on grenades, and I haven't used it, but the detonation delay perk could be great once maxed for stoping those **** rocket noobs...Energy drain is best though, cuz you can literally spend the entire game cloaked if you do a good job with it, and once leveled, will basically refill you completely when you kill people...

**Visor enhance or Cloak enhance are also good options to help train your eyes to see cloaked players without anykind of assistance-A VERY good thing to be capable of...Cloak enhance also has an audio warning once its at level 2, which can bail you out if someone is about to sneak up on you...

***Even though its broken, Retriever can give you near constant radar coverage, and easy support bonuses. Loadout pro is also a good bet (my favorite in fact, but the radar coverage of Retreiver is better for a pure sniper class), especially if you have the Scarab unlocked-it makes a monster backup weapon. Aim enhance is a good crutch early on too, but there are better perks...if you're really doing good, side pack can help you keep going too....

Huh...thats a lot...well, hope it helps someone...
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