When the Crysis 2 Demo came out, I created an account with the Username: Untamed, using my standard email address.
Problem was I couldn't log in and play the demo with the gamesas.com account. so I left it be...
Now with the full game I had the same problem... couldn't log in.
So I went ahead and wanted to create a new account ingame, using the same standard email address as before... just it kept telling me that the username "Untamed" is already in use.... so what did I do?
I logged into gamesas.com, went under account settings, and deleted my "Untamed" account... well sorta!
Because after I did this, I still couldn't use the username "Untamed" ingame to create a new account, so I went ahead and used a different one: "UNT@M3D"...
Now here comes the funny part, which I don't understand.. I used the same email address as always, also when creating the new ingame account...
Result is, when I try to use the username UNT@M3D to log into the gamesas.com start page, it tells me the account doesn't exist, now... (its getting tricky) if I try my old username "Untamed", it saids the same thing, BUT(!!) when I head into the forum it clearly shows i'm logged in (as you can see I'm using it to post this).. I can even go into the edit profil area... and this is where it gets really weird!!
If I change the password of the account Untamed.... it affects the password of my ingame created account UNT@M3D.... ha?!
Another negative side effect is, that I can't redeem my LE stuff (which is probably useless to me by now anyway, since I'm lvl 17 ingame by now ;P), because wenn I use the link, there it tells me I'm then again not logged in...!
So basically what I think is that there must be more than one Database, where they are linked per email address, and I may have "broke it" because I tried to delete my first account?!...
I'm clueless...