Ok, so I've completed the SP campaign and been on and off the MP since I bought the game a few days after release. I've never really been one for MP FPS games, so I was rather surprised to enjoy the experience in Crysis 2 (Considering the QQ on the forums anyway).
What I have noticed though, is that I seem to be getting killed the split second someone walks out in front of me. Say they walk around a corner I'm walking towards... BAM I die before I can even raise my gun. The killcam shows that they walk out and shoot me but it happens as though they're almost ahead of me in the game. Or like what I'm doing is delayed somewhat.
Is this something to do with my connection speed? Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
And before anyone gets in with a 'OMGLOLZ YOU JUST svckS HAHA' - I know I svck, but I don't svck THIS much!