-In certain MP maps the ground texture is very, very dark. The above-ground grass seems to be a bright green, as it should be, but the grass beneath it is almost black. This is not how it looks for other people, or in screenshots I've personally seen.
-This may not be an issue on the game's end, but after attempting to refresh the servers twice (sometimes after the first attempt) I get an error message that says "Invalid parameter" and it will then refuse to find servers. I have attempted to work around it by doing a few things, such as switching filters or going into SP then back, but nothing has worked yet.
Crytek if you could please attempt to fix these issues, or find a work-around for this problem. I know you disabled mods in the latest patch (Bad move by the way, Crysis 1 was all about the modding), but if there is some way to fix it without a patch, that would be great!
Now, those issues aside, I still very much enjoy the game-play of both the SP and MP. I hope to see many great patches in the future, and I still can't wait for the DX11! I can tell the game was obviously made to have some major tessellation