I am STILL on Crytek's side

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:28 pm

I just can't agree with you on this one. Every game that comes out has it's share of problems and some require a little time to fix. What sets apart the good and bad Publishers/Developers are the ones who take responsibility for addressing and fixing many/most of the issues that the community is complaining about. In particular the *critical* issues that prevent people from actually playing the game and realizing entertainment value out of their $60 investment. So far it's been nearly a month and Crytek has pulled a disappearing act on us and has not been forthright in communicating with the community about all of the problems with this game and what their intentions are for addressing them. I spent $60 on this game and can't even play it because I get disconnected every few minutes. So far they've proven to be nothing more than a shady company whose willing to take my hard earned money and provide a broken product in return with no demonstrated intentions of fixing it. Perhaps they'll prove me wrong but the critical issues in this game that prevent people from playing it should have been addressed within the first week.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:20 pm

You say the Physics are as good as the one from Crysis 1?
Sry, but in my opinion you are wrong. Physics and Graphics are better in Crysis 1.
(but I still hope and think, Crytek can patch that)

It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Physics ARE just as good in Crysis 2 as in Crysis 1. Seriously, they are the SAME exact things. But we have different and LESS objects in New York City in Crysis 2. That is why they may SEEM worse, but the laws of Physics applies just as well in Crysis 2 as in Crysis 1. Now I don't promote or condone use of the Sandbox Editor 3 that was leaked, but on youtube, there are physics of Crysis 2 showcased. They are just as good as in Crysis 1.

Also in terms of Crysis graphics, do not forget vanilla Crysis is what you compare to Crysis 2. The only advantage Crysis 1 has are the following: High-res textures, natural setting. But then again, a natural setting map for Crysis 2 will make the natural setting in Crysis 1 mean nothing. The ONLY thing Crysis 1 has better is high-res textures and paralex mapping. Crysis 2 actually has stronger and illuminated lighting, better water effects (much better, with the ripples), and better particles.

EDIT: Got a physics vid for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdvEgC2XlSs

Also I did a bit of research on Crysis 2 and it seems Crytek did a mistake with some of their objects. You know the sofas in the game? They accidently put the weight of sofas to like, 3 times the weight of a car. So kick a car in the game. Okay it looks cool, you seem powerful. Kick a sofa. It barely budges. That's because the programmers made the sofa too heavy, so essentially, the game registers that you kicked a 10 ton (hyperoble here) sofa. That's programming problems really.

You forget that environmental destructibility also counts as physics. You smack a support beam in a shanty on Lingshan island, and the shanty collapses. You smack a road sign in Crysis 2, the road sign doesn't even reverberate. You crash your truck into a tree in Crysis, and the tree reacts according to the laws of physics. Do the same in Crysis 2, and the tree says wut physics?

So, if you count every object in each game and gauge how that object reacts to the simulated laws of physics, Crysis & Warhead beat Crysis 2 hands down.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:19 am

[This has nothing to do with bugs though. As far as I have seen and experienced, in SP and MP, there are very very few bugs (even though people are screaming about bugs like they're an alien hiding around every corner waiting to scare the living crap out of you).

Check it out dude. If/when you suddenly start experiencing the 'The Connection to the Server Has Been Lost' error that can start happening at any given time and will the constantly affect you from that point on, I guarantee your tune will change about the bugs in the game. Though it may not affect you right now, there are a lot of people out there including myself who can't even play the phucking game.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 pm

The release of the DirectX11 patch will determine once and for all,which side I am on.If it is a mediocre 256mb patch that improves shading.I will never buy from them again and disregard them ever being in the PC community.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:14 am

I don't seem to remember trees being that easy to break in the real world...only cars wrapped around them...

Trees, despite their frail appearance, are actually pretty **** strong...i dunno why everyone seems to have missed that trees have root systems, they aren't just lumps of wood sticking out of the ground...thats why they can do this;



Honestly, i think Crytek screwed up on that count the first time, got it right the second, but went overboard and made them invincible to explosives.
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