For example:
All guns currently cause sprint/jump cancelling if you are hit.
The overwhelming consensus is that this should be changed. Think of the Natascha in Tf2: players HATE when control of their character is taken away from them. It is frustrating and unfun, and makes it harder for a fleeing or escaping player, or someone trying to flank or something, to do what they want to do. It removes some elements of movement an strategy.
My suggested change is to make it such that: ALL guns continue to cause sprint/jump cancelling UNLESS you are in Armor Mode. This is a slight buff to Armor Mode.
In Armor Mode, only certain guns can cause sprint/jump cancelling.
My tentative list of guns that SHOULD (to make them more interesting/because it seems right for them):
-Grendel (helps to take down sprinting targets at range)
-K-volt (makes sense, since it immobilizes the suit)
-MK60 (high impact)
-L-Tag (and perhaps other explosives)
Guns that I think should NOT (they shoot fairly quickly. The one I feel most strongly about is the SCAR.):
-SCAR (makes it easier to escape SCAR users firing from long range-- SCAR is a bit too jacked)
-SCARAB (while its certainly not OP, its very light-feeling)
-FELINE (same as above)
-X43 (meh, just doesnt seem right)
And then, perhaps, add to Armor Enhance or a different perk: "Enemy attacks will no longer disrupt your suit".
As a perhaps interesting balance change on top of this, perhaps using the Assault Scope could move each gun a tier up. So, for example, an assault scoped feline WOULD cause a player to get stopped if they are running-- unless that player is using Armor Enhance. A player using Armor Enhance would not normally get stopped by an MK60, but if the MK60 were using the Assault Scope, they would be.
Little things like this make games FAR more interesting and add a lot more strategy to class creation.