Multiplayer Serverlist svck like hell - KILL GAMESPY

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:35 pm

Well its just like the Topic says, my frkn problem with the Game is - that nothing works in the MP.
As first the stupid Gamespy amateurs cant do something good, and this is sick - if i get an filter into my Serverlist that stupid Gamespy is going to Ping them anyway and im really geting angry about this!
On each server im geting showed a ping from 1000 - thanks Gamespy for failing.
Just kick that Guys outa the Game or something -
and anyway i cant even connect to any servers: the connection failed, the server is full (2-16), connection lost....
really the same problems since the demo and those are just comming after the MP demo patch. so something you guys failed **** hard i payed 50€ for a quality that should be FREE TO PLAY.
That was it for me, the last Crysis i bought. Each time "MONEY MONEY DO IT FASTER WE WANT MONEY ........."
from me you guys wont get anymore **** money cause u guys are doing **** with it.

really i want to thank crytek for an not-tested-game, for horrible graphics and for an failed MP.

a customer less bye
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:17 am

I paid for the damn game to play. Not take up space. Don't run out the clock so I can't return it. Help me fix it.

You've been tricked--the game is unfinished and untested. There are hundreds of threads about the incredible number of technical issues, all symptoms of carelessness. It won't ever be fixed and there is certainly not going to be any support for it, unless you think being told to reinstall is meaningful advice. Just uninstall it.
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Andrea P
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