As first the stupid Gamespy amateurs cant do something good, and this is sick - if i get an filter into my Serverlist that stupid Gamespy is going to Ping them anyway and im really geting angry about this!
On each server im geting showed a ping from 1000 - thanks Gamespy for failing.
Just kick that Guys outa the Game or something -
and anyway i cant even connect to any servers: the connection failed, the server is full (2-16), connection lost....
really the same problems since the demo and those are just comming after the MP demo patch. so something you guys failed **** hard i payed 50€ for a quality that should be FREE TO PLAY.
That was it for me, the last Crysis i bought. Each time "MONEY MONEY DO IT FASTER WE WANT MONEY ........."
from me you guys wont get anymore **** money cause u guys are doing **** with it.
really i want to thank crytek for an not-tested-game, for horrible graphics and for an failed MP.
a customer less bye