what is GOOD about Crysis 2 PC? let's focus on that!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:24 am

I'd have to say the single player was good and probably worth $50 max-
*ledge grab
*on extreme graphics were above average and ran very well on my msi gtx460 twin frozr with volt changes can get about 50-70fps average. So I think it's pretty efficient even though it's in DX9
*aliens were kinda neat
*being able to run around and kill anyway you like no matter what the mission is without penalty for doing so is cool. (even though it's like Crysis1)
*some parts are kinda difficult which I like since alot are easy and boring.

*should have come out with DX11 not been produced later
*the spread of firing from the hip up close is rediculous (when 5feet away or less it shouldn't look like the guy just waved his gun around in a circular motion while firing)
*punching is stronger than shooting? I mean really? lol maybe knife but not punching
*mp is probably one of the worst I've played, people way higher lvl have a huge advantage dunno about hacks because I haven't played it enough but I don't really want to seeing as how the lack of newer players makes it soo difficult and not enjoyable.
For instance being spawn killed several times in a row due to no respawn protection for even a few seconds... just spawn death don't even have time to aim most the time. Lagers in invis mode appear you shoot at them then they jitter to right next to you they punch you and you die. Classic mode is decent but like I said before the higher lvl dudes have the best gear n weapons.

--Conclusion: I shoulda bought MW2 for pc instead overall gameplay was better even on ps3
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:08 am

*First of all the native origin of Crysis is PC
*Developing C2 for a console then porting it to PC is like mixing a mutt with a purebred
*Whats all the hype about DX11, well blame Crytek for that, they marketed the hell out of it leading us to believe the game would have DX11 on
release, thus causes many of us to go out and spend $$$$ to make our systems DX11 compatible inorder to get the BEST VISUAL EXPERIENCE
out of the game

-Not a port. Learn how CE3 works then you'll know why. Every PC gamer, TRUE GAMER that is, should know this isn't a port.

-Native origin of Crysis is PC. Yeah, and Crysis 1 was also a failure in initial sales for Crytek considering the amount of effort they put in.

-DX11 was never finished because EA did not want Crytek to postpone the game to finish up bug-fixes, polishes, and DX11 before release. Otherwise, had EA allowed this, DX11 WOULD be done. And WE were never forced to go out and buy DX11 systems. MAYBE YOU were, but I know for sure I bought my 6970 for more than just one game. Idiot.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:04 am

The Graphic is pretty good with an ultra high config and SGSSA x2 :)
I just want more guns :/
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:29 am

"is it properly worked out and is it fun to play?" Absolutely NO. Crysis and Warhead are a lot more fun to play and replay. And for a corridor shooter, well, is not that impressive either. I just replayed Quake 4 and played some HL2 mods and they are more fun to play than C2.

Crysis and Warhead were fun to play and replay indeed, but I'd argue that Crysis 2 is somewhat fun to replay aswell. It is a little sad that the campaign is short, that reduces the total time you spend on the game, but I've played through the game almost as many times as I've done with Crysis and Warhead already.
That said, I'd also like to mention that Warhead didn't have a very long campaign either.

The gun is too big on screen...

Actually, yes, the gun does seem too big on the screen. It annoyed me quite a but the first few minutes of gameplay, that when firing you can't really see anything at all.

Well, if it don't have the Crysis name on it you probably pass over it and forget it ever existed. C2 is a game to play 1 time and forget about. If you go to replay you can easily remember the path you need to take, and you can not chose other path because Crytek destroyed what Crysis is about.

True, if it didn't have the Crysis name on it, I would probably never buy it, I would write it off as "just another shooter", but that wouldn't have anything to do with how good the game is. And for replaying, are you telling me you didn't remember where to go in Crysis or Warhead? On my second round in both those games, I was ahead of the story all the way, planning what weapons to use in which situations, because I knew what met me around the next corner. Hell, I even stopped paying attention to the missions, I just ran around having fun with the nanosuit, making korean-jokes.
As for paths, I agree that it doesn't have the open landscape opportunities of Crysis, and that disappointed me a little bit, I couldn't run around blocks or up through buildings.

All the little Rest.....all a Fail....MP (OMG...what?)....Suit Design (noob design if i look at C1...steering, handling (not know word), Armor not standard)....Cheater like in C1 destroy the little Rest of MP Experience.....No Support will follow soon like in past C1, i think.

Noob suit design? Care to elaborate? I can't say I've studied the looks of the suit, but does that really matter?
Steering and handling? If anything, the "handling" got better as far as I've noticed, you don't have to uncloak to run fast or jump high, you can climb ledges (although this seems a little selective, not all ledges are climbable) and you can slide along the ground. As for armor mode not being standard, I kinda like that, means I can take a few bullets without having my suit energy drained, it also makes the game slightly more challenging, as you have to pay more attention to the energy.

Time to get kick some Asses at Crytek but i am sadly not a Yerli.....

And with that, all your arguments died of immaturity.

i hope they can add a mode where you can slay aliens!
zombie mode, cod black ops, for example.
would be cool!
Co-op against aliens! Now that would be fun :D

-Native origin of Crysis is PC. Yeah, and Crysis 1 was also a failure in initial sales for Crytek considering the amount of effort they put in.

-DX11 was never finished because EA did not want Crytek to postpone the game to finish up bug-fixes, polishes, and DX11 before release. Otherwise, had EA allowed this, DX11 WOULD be done. And WE were never forced to go out and buy DX11 systems. MAYBE YOU were, but I know for sure I bought my 6970 for more than just one game. Idiot.
Thruth is written here.
Developing games only for the PC does sadly not generate as much money as developing them for consoles, and when they on top of that made a game that only a few people could actually run at release because of the high requirements, the game would have to be very expensive to make up for that.

Also, a lot of people seem to be comparing Crysis 2 with Crysis, and screaming that Crysis was so much better, did they all forget about the memory leaks? And that enemies there too would sometimes know where you were even when cloaked, shooting at you the moment you uncloaked?
Imho, Warhead was way more fun to play than Crysis, there was less bugs, more guns, more ammo for said guns and more action. Crysis 2 is, currently, pretty much equal to Warhead on my scale.

I love the ability to customize your suit, and how the modes are more streamlined, whether that is done to make it easier on the consoles or not doesn't matter to me, it works very well for the PC.
I don't have a computer that supports anything better than DX10, so the lack of DX11 doesn't worry me anything at all, and for a DX9 game, I'd say they've done really well, looks as good as Crysis' DX10 mode unless you (as mentioned by others) stop to study the details, but I'm not playing the game to smell flowers anyway, so that doesn't really worry me either.
The multiplayer seemed very good, the little part of it I managed to play during the demo, and I'm hoping that the current problems will be fixed in not too long, so that I can get to play the full multiplayer :)
The achievements is also something I like, although there seems to be some bug with number of weapon-attachments in SP.

My opinions anyway =)
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:04 pm

Good optimization

Good marketing

can't think of anything else that most people here would possibly agree with.
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Anne marie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:45 am

I would say kill streaks and loadouts is a good aspect of the game. I like how I can go in and customize my traits and upgrade them. Though I dont think it is original but it does get the job done.
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laila hassan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Well I kinda liked The SP of Crysis 2. It's intense, gripping and has a pretty good story. Haven't been able to get to the MP section of it yet though. Graphics are beyond anything I have ever seen even on low settings. Tactical options is a nice feature but ultimately useless. Also the armor mode drains way too fast. (7-8 seconds with constant firing). Weapons are really cool and I love the way you can customize your weapon at any time. Music pieces are really amazing and give a gripping atmosphere to the game.
The only thing I really hate is the MP connection/login/stats problems.

P.S: I haven't played any other crysis games.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:45 pm

It works very well even on low end PCs.Crysis 2 is a true PC game unlike crysis(a super computer game).You dont need a costly GTX 295 or GTX 580 to run this.Only gamers who have the **** GTX 580 are whining.Go to hell millionaires.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

It works very well even on low end PCs.Crysis 2 is a true PC game unlike crysis(a super computer game).You dont need a costly GTX 295 or GTX 580 to run this.Only gamers who have the **** GTX 580 are whining.Go to hell millionaires.

i have an ATI card, but yes, i recently spent a lot of money on my awsum rig :p. and Crysis was THE game to get the most out of my system, and sadly Crysis 2 isn't the next step upward in graphics, like we 'millionares' hoped.

though what really makes me sad is that the gameplay was altered so much. the fun in Crysis 1 was that you had to have skills to be able to quickly switch between strength-speed-armor-cloak. the fact that they made it combinable does offer new possibilities yes, but the game thereby loses some of it's original gameplay. AND the fact that they (mostly) removed the sandbox aspect of the game, makes me very sad. i absolutely loved it that i could just choose what to do next and how to do it, instead of the game telling me how i should proceed.

so in the end, Crysis 2 is a good game, but lost a lot compared to Crysis 1. and since us 'millionares' (i 'only' spend $1200, which isn't exactly a million, but yes, a lot) played Crysis the most because we could, will see those 'flaws' a lot earlier than other people...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:01 pm

One thing I must commend Crytek on is the lighting as well as engine optimization. The lighting in Crysis2/Cryengine 3 is amazing, much better than Crysis 1 imo. The game also runs much better on lower end machines while still looking good. I can run extreme on my laptop with a 6770m and still pull 30+ fps @ 1366x768. I must agree with many people here about smaller details as many textures are horrendous. The music in the game is excellent as well. Though I am a fan of the graphics Crytek could have pushed them so much further. Yes, the current settings look great and run great but why not push the engine to the max for people that have capable systems? The physics/destruction actually implemented in the game(though the engine is capable) is lacking as well. DX11 should have been released with the game as well. Textures should be reworked into higher resolution versions. Maybe Crytek will surprise us (one in a million) and support some community textures that are being created.

My major problem is the gameplay. The story is drastically different along with the aliens and I am not sure I support the idea of a main character that has no character. He doesn't talk or anything. While I understand the nanosuit is basically keeping him alive I don't think he should be dead as a character. AI feels too scripted as well, they do the same thing every time and constantly repeat the same action. The suit and general gameplay feel too consolized, definitely the multiplayer. I was a huge fan of Crysis 1 MP which died off for the same reasons: hackers and bugs. Crysis 2 has strayed far from its unique gameplay and has put CoD/console style gameplay in its place.

And for that guy talking about TRUE gamers knowing what ports are... a TRUE gamer would know that the word port in this case means built with the consoles in mind instead of building a high quality PC game and then adapting it to consoles.
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