i got an problem with my crysis 2 Limited Edition
I entered the reedem code right in the box while being online with my E-Mail
it said that i entered it suscessfully but everytime when i head over Multiplayer in the menu this Red Popup appears and sais that i have the bonuses. THIS IS HAPPENS EVERYTIME I ENTER THE MULTIPLAYER MENU.
ok my doc tag said that im lvl 5 and i went to edit my class but when i joined the breefing said that im level 1 and i wasnt allowed to select my custom class. now im lvl 7 and my doc sais that im lvl 8 Oo. and with the scar i can choose the hologram atachment and the skin when i get in the menu after i got from singleplayer in multiplayer. when i play one round and want to edit my class again i cant choose my Hologram attachment and the skin bar is gone.
I hope that an admin can help me