» Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:27 am
That's ****, BC2 is way better than 'no final boss' crysis 2.
Really crysis 2 ending was pathetic, push this key to crawl push this key to walk, piss off.
Ok the ending was subpar...every single part of the BC2 campaign svcked ass besides the end.
However, the bc2 multiplayer is several light years ahead of crysis 2's, and battlefield has never been about single player.
So what? I'm rating these games as a whole. Since they included a campaign, I'm rating it as a whole. That's a dumb excuse really. If they didn't want me to play the campaign why the heck did they waste their time making one? They could have used the extra GBs for better textures or a few more MP naps.
And honestly now that I think of it, Crysis 2 should actually be rated higher than BC2, if SP and MP are weighted equally:
Crysis 2:
Great singleplayer, decent multiplayer.
Absolutely terrible campaign, great multiplayer.
And don't even bother comparing graphics between the 2 games. The only part of BC2 that actually looked good was the particle/dust effects. Otherwise the textures were subpar, shadows were disconcertingly low resolution (this part really pissed me off, FFS Black Ops had a higher shader resolution than BC2), lighting and models were nothing to boast about, water was this static ****. However I wont take off points because of the mass destruction. In the multiplayer the only maps that looked good were the desert ones and tropical ones (Atacama Desert, Laguna Presa, etc.). Snow maps were just an overblown bloom-fest, and the grassy maps had really weird coloring that made them look bad.