» Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:50 am
Any word on this? I was going to buy it when it came out, but then saw that there's no options for motion blur, detail sliders, etc. This is a PC game, so where's the PC options? I realize that you can edit config files manually, or download a tool to do it for you, but that's not good enough for a 60 dollar PC game. If this doesn't get patched, I'm not buying until it's 10 dollars or less on steam. If it is patched, I'm buying it immediately in spite of my hatred for EA.
You are paying not for a game but for a years of development and graphic engine which is worth more than you will make in a years. 60$ for years of hard work of many people... thats cheaper than paying 5$ for a plastic toy.
Yes, that work is true, but is it not Crytek's fault for not including these options? I feel as if this company has completely forgotten where they came from. Most of the players on this forum have played the original Crysis games, and bought the second one in hope for the same experience. These games have broken grounds with their visuals, graphics and details, and we can not even adjust how they look/perform on our systems. Im not saying that I hate EA/ Crytek or anything, but if they are going to put all of this work into a great game, they should at least have basic options available. I personally was stunned at the fact that there is no advanced options, but lets all hope that they patch this with 1.3!