What sensativity do you use?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:25 am

This game doesnt have any auto aim so it has to be low. I used to have a sensitivity that allowed me to do almost a 180 with one stroke but then I learned it has to be slower. Recentlly I switched to a slower one which requires me to make like 3 hard shifts just to make a 1800 but my aim has gotten much better.

I use a 0 sensitivity in crysis 2 and a +600 DPI with my gaming mouse I think it transfers to what would be a 20 if I didnt use the mouse. No matter what I do I feel like it doesnt help my games. I hate having to be so violent with my mouse but this game is so difficult to play without a low aiming sensitvity. Before I lowered it i couldnt even hit a thing.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

i use 100.

been gaming for years.

however it depends a lot on windows settings too.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:15 am

100, makes for some killer shots when sniping.

DPI wise couldnt say, i've been gaming on a £5 'own brand' optical mouse for the past 2 years since my last one died and have found no reason to change it.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:30 pm

100?! COuld you tell me how your able to keep your gun down on your target? I used to use a 6 in COD which was high but that was because there is aim assist in that game? How on earth do you make minor adjustments when targets strafe to the left or right?!!

I always figured that if your sensitivity was high it made it more difficult to make the minor adjustments necessary to track a target from range but it made you have a quick reaction time. Am I incorrect with this logic?
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm

Its just a matter of getting used to it, i've been playing on high sensitivity in games a while now (i like the ability to make snap movements if i see something out of the corner of my eye or if someone shoots me from behind) so im well accustomed to it. If you are used to 20 dont try going stright to 100 go to 30-35 and then once you are happy with that go to 40-50 unitl you slowly build up to 100.

I've got to admit that with assault rifles 100 is maybe a touch too high for me (80-90 would probs do) but with the DSG-1 which I use the most it is perfect so i just leave it at 100 and accept im losing a bit when I use the SCARAB.

Good Luck.

Edit: Well you are correct in that high sensitivity is faster and minor adjustments can be harder than lower sensitivity if you are not used to moving your mouse the smaller distances needed with the higher sensitivity. Like i said its all just a matter of getting used to it. :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:18 am

tNX for the advice. I never considered it that way. I guess I cant blame my low k/d on my aiming sensativity. Ill try to raise it higher for whatever benefits I could get from it though. Like better reaction time.
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