» Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am
"Awsome" .. No, not yet anyway. It should've been "awsome" on release day. I am pleased to here about the "DirectX 11 Patch" .. but I also want a "x64 bit mode" .. so I won't say anything until the day I can download it, install it, and see the "features / enhancements".
Regardless though.. only part of it worth playing right now is "singleplayer" .. until they do something solid to aid in some serious "cheat detection", "Awsome" and "Crysis 2" will only be used in the same sentence once with me, and what I just typed was it.
I "do like playing Crysis 2" online, that is until the hacker joins. I see alot of them too, some just blatantly all out hacking not caring who sees, and some trying to disguise it and act like they're eleet, both types make me sick. Lately I've been playing CS:Source more than Crysis 2 .. so what does that tell you?
I can be patient and wait for "directX 11 / x64 bit" .. but I have no patience or tolerance for "hackers".. it's also discouraging to see things like "there is a chance some legitimate players may get banned" as the system monitors players... something else we have to deal with now? Errr... so if you are a legitimate player that gets banned, just how long does that process take to work out?
I think they need a better cheat detection system.. for one, it does'nt seem to be working to well, and if it starts banning legit players, that's not a good thing! Maybe they should inform us if there are "certain things" that could result in having legitimate players banned... like if you run certain software / utilities while running Crysis 2 that may give off a false positive.
I am already upset because of the hackers, I think I might loose it if I was mistakenly banned because I was a false positive.
First thing to do.. is get ahold of all these "illegal serial codes" and blacklist them.. next thing, get ahold of all the "key generators" the produce illegal codes and blacklist those codes too..
They need to have a few Crytek developers pulled aside for the "sole purpose" of finding hacks for Crysis 2 and download them and pick them apart, also have the job of finding these illegal codes / keygen makers. Have them constantly updating their anti-cheat software to stay one step ahead of the hackers.