I have a few questions for anyone who can answer!! Cry-Adam Cry-Tom or who ever wold know the answer,,, I have checked the leader-boards and as we all know they are plagued with hackers on top. Nobody can get that many XP or kills in a month let alone months to a year. and especially in the time they have played according to there stats. A guy with say 30000000 XP but only played 2 hours or 20 min! And the people that are trying to get to the top and are very very good at the game legitimately will never see themselves where they should be ranked. What is the solution? I have a few some not so good and some that might help!
1 remove the obvious! This is by far the real logical solution.
2 After all the patches and fixes anti cheats are done and working as intended we could " A reset stats not weapons. I don't know if this would strike a nerve or not" or " B restart the game from scratch this means everyone starts off new and fresh.. This means starting all over weapons and all."
If anyone has any ideas post them cause something has to be done in the fairness of the game. It in my eyes can not be left alone with hackers on top!
Sound off and be polite and friendly.. this is a legitimate Question for all of the people that wish to be ranked fairly. Thank you and happy Cloaking....