I'm not sure if it's become an issue or not for crytek yet, but the gauss rifle is pretty glitchy. I've seen a few posts now basically involving the gauss rifle often missing quite badly even while crouched, not moving, firing at a clearly vulnerable target. The miss will occur on a few shots back to back and mean time you get killed by the person you are firing at. On your screen the shots seem to pass directly through your target but not harm is done. Watching the the kill cam, the shots aren't even close to the person, sometimes even a whole body width away.
Anybody care to shed some light on this glitchy gauss rifle?
Don't get me wrong, I love this thing, when it does hit, it's pretty clear cuz you see a huge splat of blood and nothing can survive 2 hits to chest (1 hit to head). I find this wonderfully awesome gauss rifle partially sad only because the projectile is so off sometimes when it should be spot on happens so often.