Australian Servers... Where are the Admins?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:41 am

well this is mostly just a whinge post.
since the 1.2 patch was released and all the pirates lost their ability to play online
the number of populated servers in the oceania region, went from being pretty much all full.
is now usually 2-3 servers with players in them, max.

quite often you can't connect to the servers. as theyre at the max of 16 players.
so you'll sit there spamming out the connect button... over and over and over.. and eventually you may get in.
other times after about 5 minutes you give up and try a quick match. but soon realise connecting to a european server with 500+ ping isn't exactly a fun gaming experience.

now on those rare occasions where i can actually get into a local server. i usually have a lot of fun.
but i gotta wonder. why are there never any server admins online.

i was just in an extraction server, where some douchebag was aimbotting.. obviously aimbotting. and he was pretty much OSK everyone.
and he admitted to cheating. he thought it was a great big joke.
yet nothing was being done.

noone was there to boot him out of the server. so i decided to leave.
there was only 1 other populated server for the region and that was full.

it's more than a little bit annoying. i really enjoy this game. and i would like nothing more than to play a game of crash site or capture the relay in a hax free, low ping environment.
but that seems like it's asking just a bit too much.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:20 am

This happens a lot, I was playing yesterday and some guy joined and after only 1 round against him it was painfully clearly he was blatantly aimboting. Leaving the server the only other aussie server with people was full and I had to wait to join, when I did 75% of the server were Europeans/Americans and I got maybe 5 rounds before the hacker from the first server showed up here too.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:58 am

There is still no rcon for admins, they have to use obscure programs designed for crysis wars which don't always work.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:59 pm

You could try setting your region filter to Asia, there's usually more populated servers there and the ping isn't that bad (150ish from WA).
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:46 pm

There is still no rcon for admins, they have to use obscure programs designed for crysis wars which don't always work.

rcon works perfect the 2 buttons that we have to use most are kicking and banning and those 2 works perfect.

but yeah for you guys its bad that there are not enough australian servers our admin'd

but the problem is we and crytek cant help it that not many australian players have a server our play.

my advice go rent a server with some friends, get rcon working, and go have some fun!
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