I was and have remained a Crysis fanboy. Even though the entire second half was a linear letdown, the first half was terrific. I had no problem with the system requirements since the game ran fine on my 2001-vintage Pentium updated with an Nvidia 7600GS card(!). That was at 800x600, but it hardly mattered. Still beautiful and the best FPS gameplay ever. I bought two copies, and of course Warhead, and have defended the game many times in forums.
I have very little time to play games. It's usually only 30 miutes at a stretch, or very rarely an hour. The great thing about Crysis was that I could save anytime and return to the same place later. Equally important was that I could experiment with multiple options in any tactical situation. If it didn't work out, try something else. Overall, I was able not only to play the game through and see all it had to offer, but to replay dozens of parts of it over many times, and sharpen my skills at my own pace. So the long-term value was excellent.
Being a fanboy and willing to put my money where my mouth is, I pre-ordered Crysis 2. I knew it would be consolized in many ways (less open, clunky controls) and was willing to accept that. Crytek would have been foolish to miss the console market again. But I wasn't prepared for them to remove the save-game feature.
Having no save-game completely wrecks things for me. I am not a good player, so even on Easy mode it is hard for me to make progress. And every time I screw up, it's back to the last checkpoint. Not only does this take all my time, and prevent me from progressing, but I get so f***ing tired of replaying whole sequences that I want to delete the damn game. And it will have no replay value at all.
So here I am with a top-end PC, umpteen terabytes of storage, and have paid Crytek $60 for a game that idiotically can't even save its own state. I am totally disgusted with Crytek and will *never* buy another of their games. They not only took my money, they deprived me of a game experience I had anticipated for more than three years, and have given me a maddening waste of time instead.