i′m very angry about Crytek and i must say that this was the last time they see Money from me!
Singleplayer is Top, no quesstion! Not perfect because no Open World like Part 1 but o.k.
The Problem is the Multiplayer and i′m realy p....d off!
Lags, cheaters, game doesn′t realy save my stats, controller support isn′t good (i change the speed and all what happen is i change the right stick, but not the left!) and many other things.
On the beginning: Pre Order Code was wrong! It wasn′t my fault, it was not a correct Code. That′s serious? I don′t think so!
Limited Edition Code, doesn′t worked too!
Was a failure from there system!
I must go back to my store to get a new code and a new game!
After it all works fine. Hello? That′s real? Yes and a big shame!
They swear a lot, more after the leaked Version in the Net.
All a LIE!
Battlefield got not this Problems (o.k. there is not a controller support), cheaters are there, but not so much like here!
I played the Demo and thought "o.k. is a demo". I Got this game since March 24! One Month later and nothing realy changed!. Better, if i got a Problem i must go to EA Support? EA is a Publisher, not the Programmers!
Crytek make good Engines but not more.
So why buy a game from Crytek?
I bought the Game because of the Multiplayer. Sorry, but Singleplayer i can download cracked not loosing my money. Don′t missunderstood, i don′t mean download everything aqnd play costless

But it′s true, if you want sell a game you must do more than make a good singleplayer.
If Crytek does, a realy Crysis 2, i′m ot angry. It′s a Ego-Shooter like all with a Nanosuit. Wow

Crysis 1 was more than that!
Good is, that Crysis 2 runs on older PC`S. O.k. that′s an argument.
But that′s all.
Better than the X-Box 360 or Playstation 3. Hahaha good Joke!
It is better, no question, nut not so good, they told us!
D11 Support? Hahaha an other good joke!
When i don′t like one thing, than it is a lie!
Crytek lied not one or two times. They lied to often!
So Crytek, it′s not a wonder that i′m not buying a game from you anymore.
I′m a German Guy, 34 Years old! I saw in my carrer many things. But this is not funny. It′s a shame!
i was 2 weeks out and thought, hey, i′m sure there is a patch 2. They surely changed some bugs.
Nothing happend!
To make a Crysis for X-Box and Playstation is o.k.
To sell it for PC is not correct!
For a firm, the future is the most important thing. To sell one game is not enough.
Hope you are proud to lose a big fan and a consument of your products!
The best, i′m not the first and not the last.
Crytek, think about it.
Ah, by the way:
If you think you cann sell DLC for Crysis 2, think again!
You consuments will getting angry if there is nothing coming back for there work!
And at last:
It′s a shame that modder must program a menu for changing videostats because you are to dump for it.
Where is your turn there? Crytek, one of the best firm′s for game programming? Hahaha good joke!
Hope Crytek read this Message and i let me surprise what other′s write here.
Thanks for reading and i hope this is a beginning of a reaction against Crytek!