» Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:38 pm
If you haven't noticed yet C2 is pretty much CoD on nanosuit, in terms of gameplay. How well do you think power struggle would fit into a CoD? Dunno about the limits of the game, but who knows how far the modders can take it. They're the ones who could maybe turn this crippled game into some value, since crytek obviously couldn't.
Well, in Crysis 1 and Wars, you buy your weapons with power points gotten by capturing strategic points and killing enemies. There also are no suit modules. C2 with PS will be pretty interesting. Its going to be wacky :p . The modders at CryMod are pretty good. And there are some really good programmers. People who made anti-cheat like SSM all by themselves, when Crytek just stood around with their thumb up their azz.
However, Crytek needs to get better lighting, shadows, physics, water, etc into C2 before anyone will play it. C2 players probably don't notice that stuff much right now, but they're sure going to notice it when they start playing Power Struggle. If PC players don't get graphics at least matching C1 in C2, then C2 and CE3 are ensured a quick death.