Crysis 2 story isn't THAT bad - if [SPOILERS]

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:55 am

OK before i start the thread i wanna warn anyone who hasn't finished Crysis 2/Far Cry 2 - there will be spoilers and i will mark them with biggest fonts the [spoiler][/spoiler] tags do not work >.>

For anyone that bothered playing Far Cry 2 - to the end - will know what I'm talking about...
The game for the most part is quite repetative - drive - shoot - save - drive - drive - mission - buy - drive - drive - drive... Overall it has a very weak RPG element which it tries to take advantage off but fails - this seems to be happening with C2 also unfortunately...

I have just finished FC2 on "hardcoe" - as my first play-through - AND MY LAST!

AI in C2 is bloody brilliant comparing to FC2! I mean there are "stealthy" weapons in the game such as a dart rifle - but even if you shoot somebody and lets say his buddy sees the guy drop dead - all of a sudden then entire bloody regiment of mercs will rush after you! This basically means there is no stealth element to that game - which isn't true about C2! The AI will also continue to shoot at you - THROUGH WALLS! YES WALLHACKING AI >.> it gets really frustrating and the missions aren't that much fun either as they do become repetative...

Anyhow.... now on the topic of the ending - i will be comparing C2 and FC2's ending...


Even though in FC2 you are given the illusion of having "options" you do not... It turns out in the end you have to kill all your buddies that you were saving and doing missions with and you team up with your arch-nemesis - mr Jackal.... You think this dosen't get any worse? You're wrong!

You are given a choice at the end - either blow up a mountain and kill yourself (ok its more like a rocky ridge) or give a casefull of diamonds to the border guard to let civilians pass to escape the **** country... AND THEN KILL YOURSELF - as part of the deal with the Jackal!

I mean the story goes into so much crap in such a short amount of time its stupid!

Now that the spoiler alert is gone.... I have happily played through Crysis 2 - twice now (once on "Soldier" and second time on "Post Human Warrior") - and in all honesty i do wanna play it again some time because it was a fun time for the most part...

Now game like FC2 - i have no desire of playing ever again - its already off my HDD long dead...

Don't get me wrong - FC2 is not a COMPLETE disaster - good graphics (for 2008 - and still looks better than any COD >.>) - good'ish physics - although nothing comparing to Crysis 1 the trees affect nicely to a big blast - nice variety in guns and equipment - original idea with guns jamming and blowing up - and probably Ubisoft's greatest achievement - the superb dynamic fire! This is something Crytek needs to get their hands on! It was great fun - i just remembered - Crysis dosent take place in Africa :s

Now if Crysis' and FC2's best points decided to merge to form something not quite yet possible - they would make (probably) the greatest FPS game to walk (ahhhemm i mean SPIN) inside our HDD's :)

Anyhow - i know i did say bad things about C2 in the past but playing other games makes me appriciate it moar and moar :D

If you stayed with me until now - give yourself a pat on the back! Good job!
now please reply with your thoughts! If you played FC2 that would be even more helpful :D
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:44 am

wow no thoughts?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:49 am

There are three AI modes: Idle, alert, and knowing (or assuming) your position.
If you manage to snipe an enemy with the dart gun, it's only natural for them to act cautious since one just dropped.

I never bothered finishing the game since i didn't give two **** about the story, noticed at the second faction mission that it'll be a long string of unrelated SSDDs. Digging out the game twice a year, i'm a svcker for unlocking guns (JA2 1.13 lol).

Now, what was it you thought FC2 should lend C2? The non-existant physics? The "okay" graphics? Dynamic fire in NYC? Or jamming guns?
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 am

There are three AI modes: Idle, alert, and knowing (or assuming) your position.
If you manage to snipe an enemy with the dart gun, it's only natural for them to act cautious since one just dropped.

I never bothered finishing the game since i didn't give two **** about the story, noticed at the second faction mission that it'll be a long string of unrelated SSDDs. Digging out the game twice a year, i'm a svcker for unlocking guns (JA2 1.13 lol).

Now, what was it you thought FC2 should lend C2? The non-existant physics? The "okay" graphics? Dynamic fire in NYC? Or jamming guns?

Haha lol :)

Well for starters - Crysis would be more fun if there was a little bit bigger gun variety - maybe not as much as FC2 but you know - more than 3 AR - 2 SMG crap...

The fire thing would work nice in the jungle - well where there isn't too much moisture :s
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