Why you should support Crytek

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:27 am

What does this mean?
Fact: Its a port
Fact: It is broken
Fact: Crytek are fixing it but people have the right to complain
Fact: Its still a good game
it is just "one more shooter" along with many another products released last few years
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am

and no
this game does not cost money were paid for that
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:59 pm

lol, gotta say I appreciate your arguments but:

1) Sure publishers strategically control release dates to maximise their profits for the reporting period. We get that, its the fact that Crysis was released at a later date than what was originally announced that voids your argument: they had extra time, they failed to use it properly. Whether they were adding new **** or not is irrelevant, gamers expect a proper final release for their money. Also, unless your the psychologist of the staff at Crytek I would refrain from using the hypothetical "we were so depressed we couldn't complete the game" scenario

2) Also what people mean by port is a game which fails to optimally consume a given hardware combinations resources. By this definition, Crysis 2 is DEFINITELY a port, whether the game was built simultaneously from the ground up on all platforms is irrelevant, fact is the engine didn't and still doesn't utilise PC hardware to a satisfactory level. This is evident from the identical graphics on console and PC and the compressed textures as opposed to Cryisis 1's high res textures.

You'll probably argue now "its more optimised now." Fact is Crysis 1 performs just as well as Crysis 2, if not better with some setting tweaks and this is considering that Crysis 1 has higher res textures, larger and more destructible environments, dynamic time of day (was that even present in Crysis 2 or was it preprogrammed?), more complex and accurate physics etc.
Just ask yourself, if Crysis 2 was not released on console, would it have looked better?

That said I actually do really enjoy Crysis 2, just try not to go justify Crysis 2's inadequacies with ridiculus arguments. Crytek released a broken product and they are taking steps to fix it as they should. On the other hand people have a right to voice any grievances they might have without having to be considerate of Cryteks plight, any time a monetary transaction is involved people have a right to this.

What does this mean?
Fact: Its a port
Fact: It is broken
Fact: Crytek are fixing it but people have the right to complain
Fact: Its still a good game

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:53 am

I haven't even played this since release due to game-breaking bugs that remain un-fixed. Namely the multi GPU flicker and the Log-In issues.

I have a hard time seeing why I should just svck it up and donate 60$ for nothing.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:11 pm

If Crytek pays me, I will gladly be their BETA TESTER. They obviously still need some more of them as the game is not finished.
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Chris Duncan
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