Cheating problems

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 am

I know i know. it's the 1000 thread what talks about cheaters. But this problem is increasing and it's almost impossible to get into a server without cheater. The most anoyng of them all is aimbotz.z.
Anyways i would suggest bringing back the good'ol report a cheater if it's not around here already. ( i havent found :()) Just record/make a screen of the cheater. Send to some email thats for it and ban their cd-key. WE MUST FIGHT THEM, or we can have no fun in this awsome game :(((((
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john page
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

I know i know. it's the 1000 thread what talks about cheaters. But this problem is increasing and it's almost impossible to get into a server without cheater. The most anoyng of them all is aimbotz.z.
Anyways i would suggest bringing back the good'ol report a cheater if it's not around here already. ( i havent found :()) Just record/make a screen of the cheater. Send to some email thats for it and ban their cd-key. WE MUST FIGHT THEM, or we can have no fun in this awsome game :(((((

banning on cd key wont work i think because they probably did not fixed the fake cd key issue as i see them bypassed 1.2 patch fix thingy!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:47 am

Peoples of honest gun shooting must united together. Stop the cheaterpros and bad hackermasters........
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

I think what they need to do is go after the sight that promotes hacking. They are hacking the license code from crytek. Sony has done it and so has Infinity ward. they shut down YouTube accounts that promoted links with software that allows hacking. they had MiniGhacks web sight shut down and his YouTube account and any associated account with him. they have alot of options at there disposal. they need to act fast cause i have not played a game yet that i didn't get hacked to death. Shut them down. they are going to end PC gaming as we know it. more and more games are dieing on pc. Dice is and so was crytek our last hope to save the PC community. the idiot hackers don't get or they don't care that they are destroying what little fan base we have left.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:53 am

I agrees. These hacker webrings must be arrested and delivered to a law.......
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:14 am

Just had my first (and probablt last) multiplayer game tonight, I spawned, turned invisible and died. Replay cam showed a guy across the other side of the map run down the road, turn around and fire three shots up into the window I was stood in killing me.
I respawned and died. Replay cam showed the same guy, again across the other side of the map, sprint across the map, three shots into rubble and killed me. I respawned and died again. Again the replay cam showed the same guy kill me again with three shots from across the map.
All three times I couldn't even see my own character on screen while viewing the kill cam things!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:25 am

Im not much into coding so i'm not sure if this would apply, but wouldn't a legit programmer be able to reverse engineer ways around a bot? It takes all of 3 minutes to go to YouTube and find numerous videos of hackers using aimbots, and they link to their store -so you can buy the bot. Can't they just purchase the aimbot and then peek inside the code to see excatly what is being exploited, then fix it?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:11 am

A way also could be, i dunno, maybe deleting their EA account = losing games in EADM. It actualy sounds fair, because when i pre-ordered the game i wanted to play fair. I hate hackers z.z. They are the reason ppl think PC gaming is loosing it's glory.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:13 am

I met a cheater in the 1.2 patch,I played and when its me masked in the replay it was clear that he had no problems finding me, do not use Nano Vision

question where do I report a cheater?

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