» Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:54 am
The problem with Battlefield is that in BC2, the singleplayer had great graphics, while the multiplayer looked like total junk. (Besides the desert maps like Atacama Desert...and even then I'm guessing it was all of those dust and particle effects that made it look nice. If you got rid of those it would probably be less than impressive). The flaw here is that, Battlefield singleplayer is total junk gameplay wise...say what you want but MW2 had a campaign 100X better than the BC2 campaign, no denying that. They need to focus on making the MP graphics much nicer...instead of showcasing the part likely no one will play.
Oh and fix the damn shader resolution, BC2 had such low res shadows, almost remind me of HL2. They were half decent when playing in DX11, since soft shadows were enabled, but when Black Ops, a far inferior game graphically, can pull off nice shadows in DX9, there is no excuse to require a DX11 card to have shadows you can look at without feeling sick.
Another thing, fix the damn water. Water in BC2 looked like ****. It didn't look BAD, but was basically this no physics, no ripples static **** that flowed in one direction. Add the nice appearance of Crysis 1 water, with the physics and ripples of Crysis 2 water and I'm happy.