-after starting up the game, it's smooth as can be, sitting at 60fps (somewhere is capping it there) and everything is dandy (except multiplayer which is it's own problem lolol). After about 5minutes the fps drops a bit, and around 10 minutes it is nearly unplayable, sitting around 2-10 fps. I am not experiencing a "flicker" problem, like that 22 page thread refers to, but I have followed almost everything in there to try to fix my issue.
-stats during problem, roughly 10 fps (about 8 minutes in)
#0 Core ROP 626 MHz
#0 Core 1350 MHz
#0 Mem 1053
(exact for core #1)
#0 temp 70'C
#0 ambient 64'C
#1 temp 61'C
#1 ambient 57'C
Edited Note:
It's input lag, I can sit there and watch flames burn, enemies fire, planes fly around just fine. But moving my gun is choppy as all hell (the longer it's on). Anything I do, it shows as choppy, but anything I see is fine. If anybody else has input, even just more reassurance of, "It's the game; needs patching" would be great.
Things I've tried
-Installed Nvidia profile update 7
-" " EVGA profile update that lists Crysis2.exe
-latest beta driver from nvidia site
-earlier driver version supported by evga's profile update
-custom profile for global settings changing sli rendering mode to FAFR2
-widowed mode simply disabling SLi
(All of these showed little to no change in length of time it takes to massively drop fps and force me to restart the program.)
-Win7 Ultimate 64x
-Intel i7 920 @ 2.67GHz (factory) running around 60-65'C
-Dual Nvidia GeForce 448bit GTX260 896MB DDR3 running average of 65-70'C(under load) (factory)
-6 Gigs ram
Bottom Line
I've tried all different drivers, profile updates, trying to get SLi to work (still not 100% on how to tell if it is functioning, I am running RivaTuner and a Windows GPU Gadget and #1core is always 626ROP while #0 is 301ROP, not sure why one gpu is fully loaded on the desktop ?_?) and nothing seems to change this issue. Again, no flickering, just overtime fps drop.
I originally assumed it was heat, I have a new CPU fan / heatsink on route, but other games, on high settings, running all day, in this hot room, never cause an issue. From what people have recommended, something with Crysis 2, is overstressing my rig, when it shouldn't. Anything else I should try or just sit in the corner aboard the, "waiting for patch kthxbai" boat.