While playing Crysis 2 I have issue with movies between mission (those with 3d map of NYC). They are lagging, sound is sloooooow and jumpy - you literally can't watch it, they are more of a slideshow. If I access them via EXTRAS they work perfect - so why not between missions? It is also worth mentioning that Prophet's movies (I don't remember how they are called but they are also played occasionally between missions) are working just fine. This issue is such a pain I can't describe it with words.
Movies with 3d map of NYC between missions - jumpy, slideshow, sound slowed (spelling like with noises)
Movies in EXTRAS - works like magic
Movies of Prophet's memory between missions and in EXTRAS - works like magic
Is it some bad coding of the game? I don't know, but I'm looking here for answers. My PC spec:
Asus Notebook K72Jk Series
Ati Mobility Radeon HD5145 1Gb (Newest drivers)
Intel Core i3 M350 2.27GHz
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
Running game on high settings and 1280x720 res (fullscreen, v-sync on)