Who Wants Speed Mode Back ?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:49 am

Sprint and Speed mode was two different abilities in the orginal Crysis. I sure do miss it and wish Crytech woudl bring it back. At times I would have to go back to old Crysis MP to enjoy my fill of Speed.

Would you like to see Speed Mode make its way back into C2 MP ?
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laila hassan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:08 pm

Sprint and Speed mode was two different abilities in the orginal Crysis. I sure do miss it and wish Crytech woudl bring it back. At times I would have to go back to old Crysis MP to enjoy my fill of Speed.

Would you like to see Speed Mode make its way back into C2 MP ?


This would be a dream come true. I don't particulary dislike the Nanosuit 2 but it's just not as cool. You could be so much more creative with attacks and it was way more fun for me with NS1.

I'll never forget certain moments where I pulled off an awesome combo combining a power jump, to speed while tossing a few grenades, going armored to cloak and back to speed...5 dead bodies a busted hut and exploded vehicle layed to waste behind me. You had to think on your toes more and the options to get tricky were always there. With the new version it's limited and not as fun in my opinion.

It simply should have been left alone on the PC or at least the option should be there to revert back to it.

This may not be the case but personally I believe this was only scaled back due to controllers having a limited number of buttons to utilize which I think is a huge mistake.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:27 am

sprinting shouldnt take energy at all unless sprinting with cloak or armor engaged. sick of the slow pace of this game.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:33 pm

Not really. I didn't care much for speed mode. And as far as I'm concerned, most Crysis gamers don't use speed mode that much. Speed mode was good for a big burst of speed. That's it. Then it became useless and made you vunerable. And it doesn't make sense too. If strength mode was activated, shouldn't I AUTOMATICALLY have speed? I mean, I'm in strength mode, my legs muscles are stronger (thighs and calves lol), and thus I should be able to run much quicker. The normal sprint in Crysis 1 was SLOOWWWWWWWWW, like I mean, I don't even want to call it sprint. I tend to consider the "sprint" in Crysis 1 as a playful jog. Crysis 2 has a more proper sprint mode and it is actually pretty fast. I prefer the integrated speed and strength mode (or what both are now called together, power mode). At least now, the "speed" is more used >_>

If speed mode was added back to Crysis 2, I wouldn't mind. It's just something I wouldn't care about. I don't want it back.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:17 am

i wouldn't mind it for singleplayer - but in multi it will be absolutely useless! if the game came with 4 modes it would havebeen much much slower paced - less modes = faster pacing
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:05 am

The normal sprint in Crysis 1 was SLOOWWWWWWWWW, like I mean, I don't even want to call it sprint. It's better then being forced to a walk when I run out of energy. Who's the idiot that even pitched that idea? Probably Hasit Zala. Console ****.

In my opinion, short burst of fast speed > long burst of slow speed.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:09 am

The normal sprint in Crysis 1 was SLOOWWWWWWWWW, like I mean, I don't even want to call it sprint. It's better then being forced to a walk when I run out of energy. Who's the idiot that even pitched that idea? Probably Hasit Zala. Console ****.

In my opinion, short burst of fast speed > long burst of slow speed.

I've been saying this for weeks! Tying sprint to your suits energy is the stupidest idea ever (well actually it's just one bad idea in the giant heap of bad ideas that went into making Crysis 2).

Anyway speed mode would be useless in single player because it's a corridor shooter. Idk about MP - it's too riddled with hackers and glitches for me to bother anymore
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Paula Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:55 pm

What is the point of sprint mode which use all energy to run like 30m, and after that leave player unprotected? Most of solutions from C1 regarding suite didn't make sense.

First of all abilities management from Crysis 1 never will work in Crysis 2, game is to intense,
Second, most of solutions from C1 suite was senseless, a billion dollar suite which can combine at least 2 abilities in same time? Seriously...

- you can't jump on something with cloak because you need switch to power mode to actually jump on something higher,
- you can't sprint with cloak.. i mean why? =.="
- you can't use armor mode and run faster,
- you can't use cloak and run fast,
and so on.....

Abilities management from C2 is seriously well-considered, while C1 suite management is just senseless at so many level :X
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:53 am

Nanosuit 2 is easy to use. The biggest problem of the nanosuit 1 was that it took years to get into one mode ...

+ the xbox and ps3 gamepads dont have enough buttons for more modes :D

What is the point of sprint mode which use all energy to run like 30m, and after that leave player unprotected? Most of solutions from C1 regarding suite didn't make sense.

First of all abilities management from Crysis 1 never will work in Crysis 2, game is to intense,
Second, most of solutions from C1 suite was senseless, a billion dollar suite which can combine at least 2 abilities in same time? Seriously...

- you can't jump on something with cloak because you need switch to power mode to actually jump on something higher,
- you can't sprint with cloak.. i mean why? =.="
- you can't use armor mode and run faster,
- you can't use cloak and run fast,
and so on.....

Abilities management from C2 is seriously well-considered, while C1 suite management is just senseless at so many level :X

oh damn, you just said it all!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:12 am

Speed mode wouldn't be as useful as it was in the original Crysis and Crysis Warhead, because the maps, even in Campaign, aren't really that big. You could still use it, it just wouldn't be as useful in a sense. However, it still would be pretty cool.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:20 am

No. In Crysis 2's environment the current Sprinting fits best. Faster than Crysis 1's regular sprint, but not as fast as Crysis 1's Super Speed. Maximum Speed is more useful when traversing jungles to raqe Koreans. raqe-age of biped aliens is better as it is now.

What would be cool is like in the intro video -- Maximum Power. Super Strength and Super Speed both in one mode. I mean it makes sense...if you have more muscle you will sprint faster, but with less muscle you go a longer distance. I don't know why they got rid of it.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:06 am

What is the point of sprint mode which use all energy to run like 30m, and after that leave player unprotected? Most of solutions from C1 regarding suite didn't make sense.

First of all abilities management from Crysis 1 never will work in Crysis 2, game is to intense,
Second, most of solutions from C1 suite was senseless, a billion dollar suite which can combine at least 2 abilities in same time? Seriously...

- you can't jump on something with cloak because you need switch to power mode to actually jump on something higher,
- you can't sprint with cloak.. i mean why? =.="
- you can't use armor mode and run faster,
- you can't use cloak and run fast,
and so on.....

Abilities management from C2 is seriously well-considered, while C1 suite management is just senseless at so many level :X While your points are valid and need to be taken into consideration, if you knew HOW to use the suit modes in Crysis 1, you didn't have a problem. You could strength jump and then turn to cloak before you hit the roof.

I seriously don't see how hard it would have been to incorporate speed and strength into separate modes. So you could at least HAVE the option to play you way you have been playing Crysis for 4 years. All of the powers are there, but the NS2 just screams at you the entire way, while the NS1 hands the suit powers to you on a silver platter.

Not to mention they **** up the suit-quick menu. It's a fraction as responsive as it was in the first game.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:18 pm

Speed mode svcks. A boost of speed for A SINGLE SECOND at the cost of my WHOLE energy meter? No thanks
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