Super annoying fun fact----->People I can't stand, those playing elimination when the game is ctf (or in this case extraction) Any ways hit me up with a message and your game player name I will add you into friends and try to get into a game with ya- Peace
P.S. My in game name is Ambush2244
Annoying Mp things
1. When the whole opposing team sits in their spawn the whole time and makes you come to them.
2. When the same person sits and camps a corner the whole time with a shotty...ok its funny but still annoying lol
3. Playing elimination when its capture the flag
4. Teammates that watch you get lit up so you can drop the capsule (most games the flag) so they can go scoop it up and get the points.
5. People that bich about what weapons you use, ANYTHING THAT GOES BOOM IS **** HILARIOUS!
See ya on the front lines, I have also found about 5 servers that are ranked and have less than a 150 ping for people on the west coast, add me as in game friend and I meet up with ya, I have my own ts also.