I come from games like Quake III, UT, even Halo. One thing these games have in common is you can get into a game very quickly and easily. Not to mention ton's of people online playing, so there is always a good game to be played. Last night I logged in crysis 2 online after entering the cd key in twice manually lol... I noticed ton's of servers and maybe 3 or 4 servers with 16 players. WHAT =o
So I go ok, I will test out some of the maps to see what there about.. oh I can't do that.. I have to wait for 3 other people? Stupid. I can't believe Crysis tm did not atleast let you in game to wait on other player's. I find that a user would likely quit the game over and over again to find a game rather than waiting on more player's(that don't seem to be joining).
The game is totally fun to play in multiplayer and has very cool tactics... but I think unless they make the online exp. better, no one will be playing it. I am thinkin I should have bought portal 2 instead and just waited on the price to fall. S