Because seriously, I'm having a lot of trouble finding a server where there arent people hacking/cheating, which totally ruins the game. Whats the point in trying when theres a single guy getting 25 kills and 0 deaths every time. And I'm pretty sure I've spotted some people just bugging into places you shouldnt even be able to get into, and somehow they can still shoot us but we cant shoot them.
Also I would love to be able to raise my improved armor ability, it's been stuck (and now actually crawling backwards!) since level 1. I'm level 21 I think and It has gone all the way to 149 out of 150 kills... then started going backwards.

That makes no sense at all. Its not losing kills because the rest of my progress sticks lately, but that one is going in reverse!
Still havent played singleplayer. Holding out for DX11. Hopefully by the time that releases there wont be any singleplayer bugs to ruin my experience.