why vote kick ?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:54 pm

Today there were two hackers in the server i was playing.All the legit players were so pissed.I started the votekick process.I clearly told them how to vote.Inspite of that the votekick ended after 30 sec and said not enough vote.Most noob typed vote in team chat inspite of me telling them to type in console.And while i was doing all this those hackers were laughing and killing me.

Crytex you idiots cannot even make a proper working votekick system.Your game can now just go to hell.Which idiot gave the idea of making a console based vote kick system.Don't you guys know most people are noobs and have no clue what is console.And your system never recognized the name of the hacker if i typed first 3 letter then TAB.I have to type there full retarded long name for the votekick system to recognize the player.
Make a patch and integrate the votekick system in the menu if you want your game to survive
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:46 am

" vote kick " will make very unfair situations in the multiplayer.. it's very stress to be kicked while playing the game.. even I don't play L4D becuz of the vote kick system.. and mw2 has no the vote kick.. so I can kill the whole enemy team without any stress..
also they have to add the function that can disable to see text chat.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

you should leave the server when you saw hackers.. and you can't teach noobs.. thsy just steal your time.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:19 pm

..And while i was doing all this those hackers were laughing and killing me.
Hell, i may fire up the ol' game purely for shets and giggles.
Just hide out and laugh while the hackers kick some butt out there.

..I have to type there full retarded long name for the votekick system to recognize the player.
It's so distracting having to read text while playing, like the whiners out there, blah blah 40mm noob, blah blah CG noob, play the game like this, play the game like that balls.
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JR Cash
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:57 pm

That's the problem in every game there are at least 5 noobs.And there retarded system lasts for only 30 seconds and needs 7 votes.WTF.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

the thing is that they didnt even bother to put that in the game interface, write in command? some ppl dont know these things, the 1.4 is just a stfu patch just like the other patches :(
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:00 pm

the thing is that they didnt even bother to put that in the game interface, write in command? some ppl dont know these things, the 1.4 is just a stfu patch just like the other patches :(

really? its a console command? L0L! I havent played Crysis 2 since 1.3 and i must tell you - THAT SOUNDS PATHETIC!

Yes all the patches so far have been a bit of STFU on our forums but lets hope Crytek is maybe trying to redeem themselves with a big anti-cheat update - and free bloody DLC!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:42 am

Played on the .338 TIA Ranked server today.

This server runs CtR maps and consists of lame boost jockeys constantly spamming the relays at the posts to get massive scores. Previously I would join these servers and farm some easy kills off the boosters and generally piss on their chips because I despise them almost as much as cheaters.

No more - kicked, kicked, kicked, banned.
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 am

I think there going in the right direction with the patches and at least they are listening to people but ideally they should have given 'cheating' much more consideration from the start.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:32 am

And it's not like there are already multiple threads about this...
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:17 am

the thing is that they didnt even bother to put that in the game interface, write in command? some ppl dont know these things, the 1.4 is just a stfu patch just like the other patches :(

really? its a console command? L0L! I havent played Crysis 2 since 1.3 and i must tell you - THAT SOUNDS PATHETIC!

Yes all the patches so far have been a bit of STFU on our forums but lets hope Crytek is maybe trying to redeem themselves with a big anti-cheat update - and free bloody DLC!

It works like this...

1. Find a haxor
2. Open console via "tilde" key.
3. Type "votekick [haxor name]" press ENTERRRrrr
*3.note. You don't need to type full name, just type first letter of his nick and press TAB which will paste full nick.
4. Wait for neo-kiddies to learn how to use vote-kick system and/or console, and pray to god... maybe haxor will be kicked before dawn of humanity.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:14 am

Votekick because it was asked (demanded) by community, as was the PC demo and it all went straight to hell.
Some people were terrified about possible votekick GUI because newbs would kick legit pros, now some are terrified that newbs can't kick hackers.
Despite several lapses I think Crytek is going through a lot trying to cope with us.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:51 pm

When I used to be a heavy Battlefield player I often thought that there should be a team employed by the software house that oversaw the playing community. A little like referees that could check players and take appropriate action. Especially so if a big part of the experience your selling is MP. I've also heard of cheat detection systems that don't rely on scanning for exploits but measure metrics for players and identify players who have scores/stats that are too high to be legit.

Something like those boosters I mentioned earlier would flag up easily because no one could get 50000+ points in a round if they were legit.
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